Haiti relief concert planned for Feb 21 at Sally O’Brien’s

On February 18, 2010, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Lee Durocher

The world has come together in the spirit of charity to help out those who have been affected by the earthquake that hit Haiti recently. On Sunday, February 21st, Sally O'Brien's in Union Square will be hosting a Haitian Earthquake Benefit Concert. The concert will go from 12:00 p.m. until 1:00 a.m. featuring over 20 bands. All proceeds made from the 13-hour long event will go to "Hearts with Haiti" – which funds relief efforts in that country.

Sally O'Brien's features live music every day ranging from roots to country to jazz. Many of the same bands that play at Sally O'Brien's approached Liam Mannian (co-owner) about hosting a benefit for Haiti. Mannian enthusiastically agreed and set the day for the concert. Mannian said that many acts wanted to perform but many were turned away from performing due to space and time constraints.

The bar has put on similar benefit concerts in the past with the last being for the victims of Hurricane Katrina.

Hearts with Haiti is a charitable organization which funds St. Joseph's Home for Boys, Wings of Hope and Trinity House. St. Joseph's, which was founded in 1985, brought boys off the streets of Port-au-Prince and provided a Christian home and family for them. Wings of Hope is a home for disabled children, which is largely staffed by graduates of St. Joseph's. Trinity House is another home for orphans, established by graduates of St. Joseph's that operates a day school as well as dance and arts studios.

The earthquake caused much damage to these places with St. Joseph's being completely flattened according to Mannian.

In putting a benefit concert together, Mannian realized that there would be much apprehension about how much of the money raised would actually go to the cause. So, he makes it clear that not one person will be making any money except for the cause itself. Nobody is getting paid for working on this day, everyone is volunteering their time and effort.

"Every penny is going to Haiti!" emphasized Mannian.

A committee was set up in order to make sure that all monies made from the concert go directly to Haiti. A bank account was created specifically for the Haiti relief fund. All donations made to the cause prior to March 1st are deductible on 2009 tax returns. Suggested donations for the show are $20.00 per person.

"No bureaucracy, no red tape," Mannian said about the distribution of funds for the event.

There will be cooks on site as well as local restaurants to provide authentic Haitian food. Again, all money made from food sales will go to the relief effort.

Mannian said that local businesses have all been supportive of the club's efforts as well. Many of them will be donating items ranging from flowers to gift certificates and classes. There will be raffles between each band's set throughout the day for the items. Everyone has wanted to contribute in some way according to Mannian.

If one can not make it to Sally O'Brien's on February 21st, there will be a collection box at the club for people to contribute to the Hearts for Haiti fund. It will be available for about one week after the concert and again all donations will go directly to the fund.

The day should be one of fun, food and good music. Attendees will go knowing that all of the money that they donate will go directly to Haiti and the relief efforts there. To learn more about Hearts with Haiti and the relief efforts that it supports one can visit their website at www.heartswithhaiti.org. The earthquake has hurt an already struggling country and any donation will help in its rebuilding.

"Hope makes one live" is the motto of Hearts with Haiti and it is through donations and volunteer efforts that hope can be given to Haiti.


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