— Photos by Bob McWatters
The Jeanne Jugan Residence Advisory Board for the Little Sisters of the Poor sent the nuns off to their Provincial Residence in Queens, NY, in grand style on Sunday.
A caravan of police, firefighters and a color guard kicked off the parade with over 200 vehicles of families, friends and grateful residents in recognition of their dedication to the community for the past 150 years of Catholic ministry in the greater Boston area for taking care of the elderly poor. The procession was led by Somerville Fire Department and Somerville Police Department Honor Guards with SFD Engine 7 and C3 participating
The Little Sisters will be missed but never forgotten because of their fabulous caregiving they provided to the many seniors over the years. Somerville was blessed to have them in the community for 128 years.
The caravan and parade would not have been accomplished if it was not for the hard work of Mayor Emeritus Gene Brune, who organized the farewell drive-by “thank you” for the Little Sisters along with the Advisory Board and Home Administrator Meghan Maloney. The Visiting Nurses will take over the home as of August 1.
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