Dear Community Members,
Here is a COVID-19 update for Wednesday, June 10.
Please also be sure to check
somervillema.gov/covid19 for information and resources that are updated frequently.
Latest news:
- Case Counts: As of 8:30 a.m., June 10, a total of 933 Somerville residents have tested positive for COVID-19, 775 have since recovered, and sadly there have been 29 deaths. See more Somerville case data on the City’s COVID-19 Dashboard.
- Data to consider during the reopening: When Governor Baker announced the Stay at Home advisory on March 23, there were a total of 777 known COVID-19 cases in Massachusetts. This past Saturday, June 6, when the State’s Phase II reopenings were announced, there were 575 new known cases reported for that one day. The virus is still circulating in the community. Please don’t let your guard down as more opens back up. Wear face coverings in public, maintain a 6-foot social distance, wash your hands, cover coughs and sneezes, stay home if you are not well or may have been exposed to the virus, and avoid unnecessary outings. Please keep that your routine and stay safe.
- Phase II reopening: Somerville’s Phase II reopening timeline matches the State’s, but the City has adopted some additional safety measures to protect public health as more people are out. You can see full reopening information on the City’s website, but here are some details about two things we’ve gotten a lot of questions about – restaurants and playgrounds:
- Restaurants can open with outdoor seating as soon as their City-required site safety plans are approved starting today. Somerville’s Licensing Commission has agreed to meet as frequently as needed to prevent any delays. We’re also looking at creative options, like expanded sidewalks and parking conversion, to add more space for outdoor restaurant seating so that businesses that currently don’t have space won’t be left out of the reopening. Bring your face covering for when your server is at the table, and be prepared to follow social distancing rules.
- The opening date for playgrounds and splash pads will be announced soon. We are working to finalize cleaning and safety protocols before reopening. Here too, there will be social distancing and other safety guidelines to follow. We’ll keep you posted.
- Somerville Cares COVID-19 Relief Fund update: So far the Somerville Cares Fund, which gives direct assistance to residents so they can pay for essential needs, has raised $382,000 from mainly small donations. To date, the fund has been able to provide emergency assistance for 544 applicants, but there are more people in our community who need help, and for some the situation is growing more, not less, dire. If you can, please consider making a donation to the Somerville Cares Fund. If you’re unable to give money, but still want to help, please share information about the fund with your networks or others who may be able to give. And thank you to everyone who has given or helped so far. It’s a bright spot amid the pandemic to see people step up to support others.
- Property tax, excise tax, and water bill reminder: Property tax bills, which are normally due on May 1, had their due date extended to June 1. If you missed the June 1 deadline, you have until June 29 to pay your property tax bill without incurring any interest or penalties. For excise tax and water bills, the City’s Treasury Department will not charge any interest or penalties for bills with a due date of March 10 or later, as long as they are paid by June 29.
- Free COVID-19 testing: The Somerville Board of Health strongly urges all residents to be tested for COVID-19. The more people that get tested, the safer our reopening will be. You do not need to have symptoms or a doctor’s referral. To sign up for free COVID-19 testing for Somerville residents, call 617-665-2928, Monday to Friday between 8:30 a.m. and 4 p.m.
Today’s Assistance Tip: Where can I access virtual recovery services?
Massachusetts Substance Use Helpline is a public, statewide service to help connect you or a loved one with substance use treatment and recovery services. Call the helpline at 800-327-5050 M-F 8 a.m.-10 p.m. and weekends 8 a.m.-6 p.m. Help is also available online at
If you are currently seeing a healthcare provider or are part of a program, check with them to see if there will be any modifications to how you access services during the COVID-19 emergency.
On our website we also have additional links to virtual recover services and online support for family and friends.
Today’s Public Health Tip: What if I have COVID-19 but don’t have a separate room at home where I can recover?
If you have COVID-19 and don’t have a separate room at home where you can sleep and stay alone for 14 days while you recover, there is an option to keep you, your household, and your community safer. Somerville residents who either test positive for COVID-19 or have been told by a doctor that they likely have the disease can have free access to 24/7 medical care by Mass. General Hospital at the Recovery Inn if they cannot safely isolate at home.
The Inn, located in Revere, provides private rooms and bathrooms, healthcare, food, TV and WiFi, and other supports for free to guests. Staying at The Inn is completely free – there will not be any co-pays or fees. You do not need health insurance to stay at The Inn, and you will not be asked about your immigration status. The Inn offers patients quick medical intervention should symptoms worsen, and it reduces the chance that others in the household will catch the virus. Recovering outside the home is especially important if elderly or other persons at higher risk for severe illness live in your home.
Here’s a short video about The Inn (
Spanish version here). Call 617-819-4528 to learn more.
ndividuals with disabilities who need auxiliary aids and services for effective communication, written materials in alternative formats, or reasonable modifications in policies and procedures, in order to access the programs and activities of the City of Somerville or to attend meetings, should contact Nency Salamoun, at 617-625-6600 x2323 or NSalamoun@somervillema.gov
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