Dear Community Members,
Please also be sure to check for information and resources that are updated frequently.
Latest news:
- Case Counts: As of 9:30 a.m. today, April 16, a total of 314 Somerville residents have tested positive for COVID-19, 95 of them have since recovered, and sadly there have now been four deaths.
- Somerville Cares Fund Launches: On Thursday, Mayor Curtatone and the United Way announced the launch of the Somerville Cares COVID-19 relief fund, which will offer emergency financial support to Somerville residents and workers. Through the fund, support will be made available to help individuals and families with the greatest need: people who have lost their jobs or income, for example, and are struggling to cover basic needs like food, utilities, rent/mortgage, healthcare, or child care. Funds will be available regardless of immigration status and eligible workers include those recently laid off from their jobs. The fund will be hosted by the United Way and administered by the Community Action Agency of Somerville (CAAS). Because the fund was just started, it is currently only accepting donations. As soon as sufficient funds are raised,we will announce how to apply for aid. If you are able to donate to the Somerville Cares Fund, visit
- Resources for frontline workers: This week the Attorney General’s Office launched, a website where frontline workers can find a variety of information and resources. The website has information on personal protection equipment access, emergency childcare, priority testing, and more.
Today’s Assistance Tip: Help the City and State (and yourself!) by Filling out the U.S. Census
The Census determines funding our community gets for things we all depend on right now like hospitals, healthcare, emergency response, and food programs. When you complete the U.S. Census for your household online or by phone at 844-330-202 now, you prevent a Census worker from coming to your door later. (Visit the Census website for phone numbers to call for languages other than English.) Help keep us all safe by completing your U.S. Census today. The 2020 U.S. Census is happening now and you likely already received your invitation to respond in the mail.
If a recovery meeting you normally attend has been canceled and/or you would prefer not to meet in person to maintain socially distancing, there are a number of options available for phone and online meetings. Including:
- Alcoholics Anonymous Online Intergroup Directory of online audio/video meetings 7 days per week.
- SMART Recovery Online is a community where participants help one another recover from addictive behaviors.
- WEconnect and Unity Recovery offers free online daily recovery meetings.
- Narcotics Anonymous has a directory of online meetings in various time zones using multiple platforms.
- Herren Project Live hosts online support groups and recovery meetings moderated by trained clinicians.
- In The Rooms Free weekly online meetings for those recovering from addiction and related issues.
- Learn to Cope Online support forum open to families, friends and loved ones who have someone in their lives who is struggling with addiction.
- Al-Anon Family Groups has phone and online meetings for anyone affected by alcoholism in a family member or friend.
- Allies in Recovery provides online support for families dealing with a loved one’s addiction, using the evidence-based CRAFT method (Community Reinforcement and Family Training ); free for Massachusetts residents.
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