A hot topic of discussion in the city through the years is how best to deal with development and upkeep of our public recreational playing fields. Specifically, a debate is still underway concerning the use of artificial grass versus natural turf.
Those opposed to the artificial option point to safety concerns based on the chemical composition of the materials used, as well as the perceived unnatural way the turf responds to the activities of those who play on the fields. So called “heat islands” – i.e., excessive heat given off due to the nature of the turf’s materials – creates further cause for concern, in consideration of possible health risks to those who use the turf, along with larger scale environmental concerns.
Proponents of artificial turf cite durability, cost effectiveness, and long-term sustainability as important reasons for given this option serious consideration. They also claim that playing on this surface is close enough to the natural option and offers only negligible differences.
Of course, the city has to make informed and well-considered choices as it moves forward in its efforts to improve the state of our playing fields. Many feel that overuse of the current existing natural grass fields is forcing the city to consider an unattractive choice in adopting the artificial option.
Cost considerations are surely significant, but it goes without saying that the health and safety of our kids and the city as a whole is of paramount importance. Let’s encourage our civic leaders to investigate the issue thoroughly before proceeding with any specific plan.
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