Let the games begin

On March 21, 2010, in Latest News, by The News Staff
~Photo by William Tauro


By William Tauro

Somerville Little League tryouts took place this past Sunday at the Cousens Gym located on the Tufts University Campus at 161 College Ave in Medford from 10am to 4pm. Youths from across Somerville were there for the tryouts to determine their placement on teams for the 2010 Somerville Little League season. Somerville Police Officer Dominic Pefine is the league's President and has devoted countless hours preparing for this day for the youth of Somerville, as opening day is just around the corner in April.

You can contact the Somerville little League President at (617)849-8478 or email him at dominic_pefine@somervillelittleleague.org or visit their website at:



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