Dine and dasher didn’t get far

On March 21, 2019, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

By Jim Clark

Police officers were dispatched to the Supreme Kitchen restaurant on Highland Ave. last Friday on reports of a dispute.

Upon arrival, the officers were met by the reporting party, an employee of the restaurant who stated that a customer had come in, ordered $42 worth of food and then could not pay for it.

She reportedly also said that the man, later identified as John Potter, was asked to leave several times but refused to do so.

When Potter finally did leave, he reportedly walked across the street to the Somerville Hospital, and the restaurant employee pointed him out to us.

Potter is very familiar to police previous interactions, according to reports, including that same day, as he was the main focus from two previous calls.

The officers approached Potter and placed him in handcuffs. They explained that he was being placed under arrest for the charge of defrauding a restaurant.

Potter reportedly stated that he had a $100 bill in the pocket of his jacket to pay for the food. When the money could not be located, Potter accused the officers of taking it from him earlier in the day.

Potter reportedly told one of the officers a few minutes later that it was actually five $20 bills.

According to police, Potter was being argumentative and loud, causing several people walking by to stop. He was subsequently transported to the police station and booked in the usual manner.


1 Response » to “Dine and dasher didn’t get far”

  1. DatGruntled says:

    Is it really a dine and dash if you are asked to leave?