Newstalk – 10/27

On October 27, 2010, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

Whose bright idea was it to put a traffic light at Lowell and Medford streets?  It’s not so bad now but wait until the flashing goes to working red/green.  The talk of the Square is, why? As if it’s not tough enough for businesses here in the city, now someone wants to stall traffic even. We heard that it’s the work of one person, and some have even nicknamed the light after him, at least that is what we hear. We bet that the person responsible doesn’t have a business in the square.


Appears that all here in Somerville can agree on Gov. Patrick for re-election next Tuesday. Gov. Patrick is a big supporter of the Green Line and Orange Line coming to the city. We need it, and maybe, just maybe, Baker might cut us out. We’ve waited too long get these projects moving here in the city, and it appears that everyone on all sides agrees Gov. Patrick is the best bet to keep it coming. That is, except for one lone department head who is often seen driving around with a Baker sticker on his car.


Best of Somerville ballots will be out next week, so make sure you find the category that your favorite place is nominated and vote for them.


Election Day next Tuesday, remember to go out to vote. It doesn’t matter what your opinion is or which candidates you like, just go out and vote. Remember, elections are won by those that show up, don’t let the few elect the extreme. Polls open here in Somerville at 7 a.m. and close at 8p.m., bring someone with you and send a message.


Two well known Somerville septuagenarians are celebrating their birthdays this week. James F. McCarthy, the former alderman in Ward One many years ago, he was also on the School Committee and he’s a nice guy. He is celebrating his 70th birthday. One of us here at Newstalk remembers him singing at a wedding for a fellow alderman back in the old days when they were both in office.  Another is lifelong resident of Winter Hill and for many years his family was involved in St. Ann’s, Richard Hart, his wife Mary is a nurse at one of the clinics on Somerville Avenue.  Both very nice guys and very much Somerville people.


The Somerville Police Department will bid farewell to two fine officers who will be retiring this week. Captain Mike Devereaux, a 33 year veteran of the department,  the last executive officer of the department, the first district captain as well as two time police officer of the year. Also retiring is Lt. Dennis Silva after 30 years, he was the training director and former winner of the Hanna award.  Both gentlemen will be missed on the job as well as on the streets of Somerville.


Happy Birthday to one of the Publishers, Donald Norton celebrating his birthday this week. Another birthday greeting goes out to Mama Emily Tauro of the famous Tauro family and Deputy Fire Chief Dave Salvi who is celebrating his 60th, and 40 years with the department.  We wish them all a big Happy Birthday greeting and many more.


We are looking for those people right here in Somerville who currently or in the past had a home modification with Bank of America and how their experience was. So far we heard from several lawyers who say that Bank of America more so over other banks has the worst record of modifying loans, all they are interested in is gathering more personal information and then denying the process and going ahead and foreclosing, we’re told. We are going to be doing a story on this and the effect that it has to the community that one bank can that has such a bad reputation and was given billions in bailouts from Congress.  Congressman Capuano should be more concerned about what Bank of America is doing here in the district.


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