‘The Path Since 2010,’ which tracks SomerVision progress to date, is also being released ahead of SomerVision 2040 kickoff
If you’re interested in big issues like housing, development, job creation, and open space we need your help in planning for the future of Somerville. As part of the launch of SomerVision 2040, the City of Somerville is seeking members for a steering committee that will help shape the community process and immediate goals.
During the creation of SomerVision 2030, a community-driven 20-year comprehensive plan for the city, there was a 60-person steering committee that helped guide the process. This committee is being reconstituted as the SomerVision Committee (SVC) for SomerVision 2040. Committee members will be a part of the SomerVision 2040 process in many ways, including getting the word out about the planning process, connecting groups or organizations they belong to to the SomerVision 2040 process, and helping staff select 5-year implementation priorities.
To get a wide range of perspectives and ideas, Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone and the Office of Strategic Planning and Community Development invite individuals and community organizations to apply to be on the SVC. Applications can found at www.SomerVision2040.com/getinvolved and the deadline to apply is January 25. Those selected for the SVC will be notified shortly thereafter.
In addition, City staff have prepared “The Path Since 2010,” which summarizes the progress on SomerVision goals we’ve achieved together since 2010 including the Green Line Extension beginning construction, adding 7,000 new jobs in Somerville, the addition of 387 permanently affordable housing units, and 15 new acres of open space.
“The Path Since 2010” is available online www.SomerVision2040.com/thepathsince2010/, and an even more complete list of accomplishments is available at www.SomerVision2040.com.
There will be plenty of opportunities to participate in the SomerVision 2040 process beyond joining the SVC, including the official kickoff on Tuesday, January 15, at 6 p.m. at The Armory, 191 Highland Ave. All are also encouraged to attend this event to learn more about SomerVision 2030 and the process for creating SomerVision 2040, or to review the video recording, which will be posted at www.SomerVision2040.com. An RSVP is not required, but an RSVP at EventBrite is encouraged.
To view The Path Since 2010 and apply to the SVC visit www.SomerVision2040.com. The best way to stay informed about additional SomerVision 2040 activities is to sign up for the newsletter on the website.
Individuals with disabilities who need auxiliary aids and services for effective communication, written materials in alternative formats, or reasonable modifications in policies and procedures, in order to access the programs and activities of the City of Somerville or to attend meetings, should contact the City’s ADA Coordinator, Nency Salamoun, at 617-625-6600 x2323 or NSalamoun@somervillema.gov.
-City of Somerville
Feels like we just finished the last one. Who asked for an update? Developers? The mayor’s got some explaining to do. This feels like another snow job from City Hall planners.
The Aldermen are still dragging their feet on most of the last Somervision.
How many more thousands of hours of hours of our time are going to be wasted?
Since the village idiots voted to raise our taxes for “open space and affordable housing” has anyone seen any increase in Somerville. I have seen the enemy and it is us.