Newstalk for March 31

On March 31, 2010, in Latest News, by The News Staff

Our own local celebrity Jimmy Del Ponte has been hard at work trying to market the City of Somerville in hopes of attracting Google here. Recently, Jimmy dressed up as "Lady Google" and even posed for a photo shoot at Prospect Hill – he also organized a large group of students from the High School to dress up in bright colorful outfits and lay down on the field at Dilboy, spelling out the word "Google" with their bodies. The events are all part of a campaign by the city to gain interest from Google Broadband to come to Somerville. We hope that Google sees his hard efforts and comes to Somerville.


Saint Clements School held its annual Fashion Show last Friday and it was a huge success – a large turnout for the students putting on the show.


The DPW did a great job this past week cleaning up and planting new trees and shrubs, we just hope that the recent rains don't wash them away. Isn't it great that finally Spring is here and hopefully the monsoon weather is over with?


We want to wish Maria Tauro a Happy Birthday – Maria is from West Somerville and went to SHS – we wish her many happy returns.


The Somerville Chamber of Commerce is holding their Business After Hours on Thursday April 1st at Orleans Restaurant at 65 Holland Street in Davis Square – it's an excellent opportunity for businesses to get together and network and talk about what's happening in the local economy, bring your business cards.


The Somerville Lion's Club Eye Mobile will be on location Tuesday, April 20th at the Healey School located on Meacham Street in Somerville from 10am to 2pm. The mobile eye clinic will be doing FREE eye screenings and exams.


Speaking of the Lion's Club, the newly formed Cambridge Lion's Club met for the first time this past Wednesday evening with a kick-off meeting at the Mt. Vernon Restaurant. New members and others that signed up that night became Charter Members of the Club, – there were about 8 that signed on including our own Marisa Tauro and Past President Ann Sabbey. The brand new Cambridge Lion's Club was formed as a result of the hard work of Somerville Lion's Club President and our very own Billy Tauro. Cambridge Mayor David Marr delivered the opening speech and vowed to adopt a resolution to assist the organization and to also host a breakfast in his office to help attract new members for the club within the next 2 weeks. Also present this evening was Former Somerville Mayor and Current Register of Deeds, Eugene Brune, Middlesex County Clerk of Courts Mike Sullivan, Everett City Councilor and State Senate candidate Sal DiDomenico and our own Chief of Police Michael Cabral. All were on hand to endorse and help get the Cambridge Club organized. Many thanks to those who helped make the new club happen – we congratulate them. For more information on how you can join either in Somerville or in Cambridge, contact Billy Tauro at:


We hear that Rep. Denise Provost endorsed State Senate candidate Michael Albano this week for the seat vacated recently by Sen. Galluccio. We wish Michael well in the election coming up real soon.


A big "get well" goes out to Mama Maria Curtatone, Mayor Joe's mom – we hear she's feeling much better now and should be back in full swing again shortly.


To all our Friends out there celebrating Holy Week this week, after all this rain, lets hope Easter Sunday turns out to be a nice family day.


So what's the rumor about the Fire Department's Fire Prevention trailer being condemned last week? We hear that this is an ongoing occurrence down there and that some people were reportedly sick from the smell. No one is talking, but the anonymous phone calls to the news keep persisting about what is going on down there.



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