BOA bullies block members’ reappointment

On September 26, 2018, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

(The opinions and views expressed in the commentaries and letters to the Editor of The Somerville Times belong solely to the authors and do not reflect the views or opinions of The Somerville Times, its staff or publishers)

By Jack Connolly

Battle lines between the mayor and his administration are being drawn as Somerville aldermen failed to re-appoint longtime accomplished native Somervillians Nancy Busnach and Joe Favaloro to the Somerville Redevelopment Authority and the Planning Board at its latest BOA meeting on September 13.

It’s going to be real difficult for the mayor and his administration to recruit and fill many of the positions on the various boards and commissions charged with handling the city‘s business, especially in light of the recent non-appointment and public flogging by Board of Aldermen (soon to become a city Council?) of two longtime Somervillians, Nancy Busnach, 19 year veteran and Chair Person of the Somerville Redevelopment Authority, and Joe Favaloro, Former School Committeeman, alderman, and longtime member of the Somerville Planning Board. I took at the BOA committee of Confirmation and Appointments meeting on August 28 at City Hall, and after 30 years of public service to the city, I’ve never seen such an unprofessional, discourteous, and condescending meeting where two longtime prominent members of the community were virtually harangued and chastised by members of the Board of Aldermen for get this: DOING THEIR JOBS!

Don’t take my word for it, here’s the link to the nearly four-hour meeting back on August 28: Click on agenda items number two for comments about Ms. Nancy Busnach, and item number four for the matter of Joe Favaloro:

At the meeting, Busnach was introduced by OSPCD Executive Director Mike Glavin as a consummate professional with an extraordinary background in real estate development, construction and management, and a 2016 winner of the John Fitzgerald Lifetime Achievement Award from the Chamber of Commerce (full disclosure: I have known and worked with both individuals and served with both in various civic and service organizations for almost four decades here in Somerville).

Committee members led by Ward 5 Alderman Mark Niedergang (who left the meeting early to attend a “very important” ward meeting) took almost a full hour of a very busy agenda to criticize and belittle Busnach and her conduct as Chair of the Somerville Redevelopment Authority, singling out individual meetings and topics near and dear to their political concerns.

Despite being blindsided by these vicious attacks on her character and conduct, Ms. Busnach showed the utmost professionalism in dealing with the put-downs and responses to the alleged imperfections of her professional pursuits.

At-Large Alderman Bill White was the only BOA member with the courage to speak in favor of the Busnach re-appointment, citing her long and accomplished career and service to the city.

Skewering Ms. Busnach was just a warm up, as BOA members went full bore after Planning Board Member Joe Favaloro, with members echoing absent Ward 5 BOA member Niedergang’s written condemnation of the Planning Board’s process regarding the Board’s decision to waive the 20% requirement for the developer (Federal Realty Investment Corp) and the subsequent approval of a compromise limit of 16.5% for the number of affordable housing units in Assembly Sq.

Favaloro pulled no punches in his own defense of the Planning Board process.

Favaloro has served in various positions under all Somerville mayors going back to Mayor Gene Brune, holding positions as a School Committee member, Alderman At-Large, and currently as a member of the Planning Board. Favaloro portrayed himself as a “titan of transparency,” as he valiantly and vehemently countered the verbal fusillade of dissatisfaction heaped on him by BOA members, all but for Alderman At-Large Bill White, who was gracious in praise of Favaloro’s nearly four decades of service to Somerville.

Both Busnach and Favaloro could have the last laugh, though both were not reappointed to their positions, since they can remain serving the city as hold-over members in their respective positions until such time as they are replaced by the mayor.

Stay tuned: Mayor Joe as the Chief Executive of the city should work hard to convince both Busnach and Favaloro to stick around, since people with education, experience, business know-how, and long-term local knowledge are few and far between: It should be a priority for him and the city administration.

Last time I checked, his oath of office requires him to do what is best for the city. Keeping Busnach and Favaloro in their current roles IS what is best for Somerville.

Born, raised, and lifetime resident of Somerville. St. Clement High School graduate; BA (Cum Laude) and M. Ed from Boston College; Attended Tufts Univ. and Harvard Univ. JFK School of Government; Licensed Insurance Broker and award-winning Small Business Owner (WCC Insurance Agency Inc.) 19 College Ave. Davis Sq. Somerville MA since 1996. Ward Six Alderman eleven terms 1984-2005, Alderman At-Large; 1 special election and five terms 2007-2017, and the distinction of being the longest serving Alderman in Somerville History.

25 Responses to “BOA bullies block members’ reappointment”

  1. DatGruntled says:

    And little Matty is crowing about how successfully a bully he is on his social media accounts.

    He is right that they can say they are not rubber stamps tough. They would have to pass pretty much anything to even be considered that, but they are all following Mark’s do nothing, just debate about it till everyone gets bored and leaves mentality.

    And Hirsch wanting to know why budget solvency needs to be taken into consideration?

    It is hilarious watching people who are not qualified for their jobs as aldermen criticise and chastise people who actually know what they are doing and working to improve things.

    the current board of aldermen are really no better than Trump, bullying people and crowing about nonexistent accomplishments.

    Mark is currently trying to placate a bunch of residents over a development that would not have gone through if he had just passed the new zoning instead of wasting everyone’s time for years.

  2. BMac says:

    Yeah, Matt’s puppet comment is hilarious, he crows about not being anyone’s puppet, but trashes everyone else for not being his puppet. Or Mark’s puppet, which is the same thing.

    Be interesting to see what they do with Capuano.

  3. Wayan Effington says:

    Oh yeah. Alderman “Stayed Puft” was up and at it early, rampaging through the city. Please don’t stir that funk up again.

    This bunch of “Our Ruberstamp” sock puppets couldn’t collectively tie their own shoelaces if their lives depended on it. Talk about a bunch of empty suits (when they can be bothered to put on a suit) walking around.

    And I love the comparison to the national administration. Love me (i.e. The Journal), brilliant reportage. Hate me (i.e. The Times), “that real estate rag”. No difference.

    Give me a seasoned, qualified public servant over these worse than useless blowhards any day.

  4. Carla says:

    Ironically Matty McLaughlin is Somerville’s own version of Donald Trump. Just like the Donald, Matt is a narcissistic, arrogant, bully, know-it-all who demonstrates much of the same mental health deficiencies as our Commander in Chief.

    As a female, Matt makes my skin crawl for all the same reasons Trump does. Both are no good!

  5. Magic Mike says:

    The BOA should concentrate on passing things that we can all (or most of us) can agree on and which broadly benefit the community – bike lanes, getting rid of plastic shopping bags, dealing with rats, where the re is a hole in the ground in Teele Square for 8 years…etc….the small boring local stuff that affects quality of life. That’s what local politics is. Not passing stuff about nuclear war or politics in Burma.

    They should also not be pursuing policies which pit 1/2 the community against the other – such as transfer tax fee and right of first refusal. Ever heard of the law of unintended consequences? If the right of first refusal passed, people would not rent out their apartments. I know I wouldn’t. I would just sell it.

  6. SamO says:

    Matt Mclaughlin hasn’t accomplished a single thing since he got into office. He’s just an office lackey that answers phones and fetches coffee for a Cambridge city councilor during the day. But he’s come a long way since moving out of his mom’s basement. Unstable though. Anger management classes aren’t working. At least he’s no longer the dumbest one at City Hall after that last election.

  7. Eddie says:

    Fat Matt is a waste! His true colors are coming through. Not a true Somerville guy. Hes hateful. He wont last!!

  8. Cooper says:

    “Please don’t stir that funk up again.” LMAO!

    Amen to that! I’ve stood next to this guy and believe me, his deodorant soap just ain’t makin’ it.

    That aside, I watch this gang on social media and it’s a real mutual admiration love fest. And of course, they’re “the future” and only they know what’s right for us all and they’re rooting out corruption and blah-blah-blah. Hilarious, if it wasn’t so tragic. This ship of state is currently rudderless. Let’s please do better next time. Please.

  9. Oh Boy says:

    Since when is asking someone to explain a vote, a verbal attack?

    If anyone watches the video, they’ll see a very respectful and restrained questioning of the candidates. Mr. Connolly’s description of a ‘public flogging’ is nonsense. Alderman who voted against them still acknowledged and thanked Ms. Busnach and Mr. Favoloro for their years of service. But they still voted in a way that reflected the will of the vast majority of current Somerville residents.

    Wasn’t the insiders way to have done it like you would have, Mr. Connolly? Then run for office again on the platform that we should keep people on the City payroll based on how friendly fellow insiders are with them, rather than whether they represent the views and priorities of the majority of residents. And if voters agree with the Connolly Go-Along-To-Get-Along / You-Take-Care-Of-Me-And-I’ll-Take-Care-Of-You platform, you’ll win in a landslide.

  10. SamO says:

    Thanks for the tip. I got a good laugh reading his posts. He really is just like Donald Trump, a man child with a twitter account. Matty, you’re doin a heckuva job. Keep tweetin, buddy. You’re changing the world!

  11. Christopher says:

    The FRIT compromise was not 16.5% for the number of affordable housing units in Assembly Square. It was 6.25%. So is this a typo, or did Jack Connolly just doze off during that part?

  12. Just saying says:

    Btw the Frit deal with the city actually turned out to be a better compromise than the 20%inclusanary because the city will receive 10 million for the affordable housing just fund. However Matt is too dumb to figure that out because if it isn’t his way there is no way he supports the idea. Fat Matt should govern for all the people in the Ward not for his ideologues and socialist friends. Hey Matt did your moron brother with a G.E.D. get on the Somerville Police without a back room deal?

  13. DatGruntled says:

    Dear Oh Boy, I have watched the video. Given that the lawyer for the city had to warn aldermen several times to stop talking before they committed and actionable defamation of character, I would say this article under sells what went on in the meeting.

  14. Magic Mike says:

    Sam O – Matt McLaughlin is a good example of why you don’t vote for someone just because they have served in the military. There is too much military worship going on, and just because someone served doesn’t mean they are qualified to be on the BOA. I’m not a military hater – my father was in the USMC from 1961 to 1966 and both my grandparents were in the military in WW2. Service can be an honorable thing. McLaughlin has done nothing.

  15. BMac says:

    “Btw the Frit deal with the city actually turned out to be a better compromise than the 20%inclusanary because the city will receive 10 million for the affordable housing just fund. However Matt is too dumb to figure that out because if it isn’t his way there is no way he supports the idea.”

    Well, SCC receives $10 million. And they were in on the planning of the entire compromise. But their board would not let the people who were in on working out the deal show up at the Planning Board meeting so that they could show how upset they were with out being proved wrong by their own employees. And that $10 million can be used to pay salaries at SCC. Not a bad deal for them.

    As for Matt, he RAN on the compromise being one of his accomplishments. How can he berate and belittle people for something he claims as an accomplishment?

  16. BMac says:

    “The FRIT compromise was not 16.5% for the number of affordable housing units in Assembly Square. It was 6.25%. So is this a typo, or did Jack Connolly just doze off during that part?”

    The final number as agreed to by SCC was to be 16.5% with SCC using the $10 million to make up the difference by buying other properties. 6.5% on site and the 10% SCC provided using the $10 million.

    So the 16.5% is correct for the total, which was the compromise between the 12% that was required when the plans were permitted and the 20% the aldermen upped the number to after the fact.

  17. DatGruntled says:

    “Hey Matt did your moron brother with a G.E.D. get on the Somerville Police without a back room deal”

    Had not heard about this one.

    Anyone have more details?

  18. DatGruntled says:

    It is funny how mad SCC seemed to be about being given $10 million to fund they efforts.

  19. Jak says:

    SCC punches with the right hand and picks pockets with the left.

  20. Somerbreeze says:

    @ Just saying – I know Matt’s brother well and he’s sure no moron.

    But you sure are–not to mention classless and disgusting.

  21. Just saying says:

    Hey Somerbreeze Fatt Matt is the classless and disgusting Alderman who runs his mouth and acts sanctimonious and self righteous if it doesn’t fit his narrow minded ideology. Btw if he is going to run his fat mouth about transparency how did his idiotic brother get on the police with no formal (GED)education. Hmmm that’s disgusting and hypocritical in passing over veterans and more qualified candidates.

  22. Somerbreeze says:

    @ Just saying – Your right-wing Trumpazoidal vitriolic agenda shines right through, pally.

    OK, engaged citizen…What have you done for Somerville Labor, let’s ask….

  23. Just saying says:

    Somerbreeze you are a left wing radical socialist Bernie sore loser. Your self righteous hypocrisy is crystal clear. Oh I didn’t realize you are a labor champion in Somerville. Stop your hatred and bigotry and stick to the facts Matt is a fraud and imposter oh no he is a champion of affordable housing and labor. I am still awaiting the for middle class renaissance the socialists bragged about bringing to Somerville. Ya right still waiting. Go bully someone else that is the new motto of the far left socialists. If you don’t agree with an idea it’s racist or not worth debating.

  24. Somerbreeze says:

    @ Just saying – You’re way off base, friend.

    I’m a registered Independent, no socialist for sure. I’m no Labor champion, but a champion of Labor. Been a union member for over forty years.

    What have YOU done to help Somerville’s working class, pally? Still waiting for an answer….

    And please take your meds. All of ’em.

  25. just saying says:

    Oh my Somerbreeze I am impressed 40 years in a union that is fabulous. Well guess what pally I am a registered democrat and I am a Union member for 35 years. What’s your idiotic point. I am a life long Somerville resident and grew up here when it was a blue collar city. Now it has become an affluent and opulent city being run by socialist ideologues who are the champions of the poor and down trodden.The only problem is they are guilty because of their privileged upbringing and want to impose their failed socialist market economy on the real working class people of the city.How’s that Somerbreeze does that satisfy you and your binky Fat Matt the real champion of the working class.