We want you here

On July 5, 2018, in Commentary, Latest News, by The Somerville Times

By Joseph A. Curtatone

(The opinions and views expressed in the commentaries and letters to the Editor of The Somerville Times belong solely to the authors and do not reflect the views or opinions of The Somerville Times, its staff or publishers)

We want you here.

You may wonder where I’m going with this, but – bear with me. It’s the most important thing I’m going to say here, and I want the message to be loud and clear from the start.

Recently some men in a van drove up to some mothers at the East Somerville Community School and threw trash at them, telling them, “We don’t want you here.”

I want to state exactly how wrong they were. I don’t know who these men think they speak for, but it’s not for the people of Somerville. This is a city where residents show up in droves for last-minute rallies in support of immigrants, a city where signs that read “hate has no home here” sit in our yards, and a city that proudly displays not just any banner, but a gigantic, colorful, can’t-miss-it banner proclaiming that “diversity is our strength.” So to the women who were targeted and their families, I want to be clear:

We want you here.

Apparently the women triggered the offending parties simply by their physical appearance. Consider how ridiculous that is. I’ve lived here for 52 years, and Somerville has never been some homogenous enclave where everyone looks and talks the same. Conformity does not rule here. We speak more than 53 different languages in our school district. It’s impossible for anyone to apply some sort of eyeball test for who does or doesn’t belong here.

And that just underlines how inane racism can be. The entire notion that you can drive around and accurately profile people or determine immigration status at a glance is preposterous. Collectively we realized that a long time ago, which is one of many reasons why we’re a sanctuary city. No matter the color of your skin; no matter the language you speak; no matter what, if any, religion you practice, you need to know:

We want you here.

And that brings me to the dog whistle that’s almost constantly blowing at the national level – the one that serves as a persistent invitation and excuse for hate. Just a couple of weeks ago, the President referred to immigrants as an infestation and did a dog and pony show shamefully exploiting the grief of families of people killed by undocumented immigrants (ignoring the fact that we could fill stadiums with families of those killed by people born in America). All that does is incite hatred and take away from the fact that we should mourn all murder victims and seek to protect all potential victims; not just the ones that are politically useful.

When you have a president who perpetuates lies about entire groups of people based solely on their race, nationality, religion, or immigration status, it becomes increasingly challenging to not make the connection between the current administration and the growing brazenness of hate-filled incidents like the one that took place here.

What those men who threw trash should have seen is women who care enough to walk their kids to school, moms who are their neighbors and fellow community members, women who are their fellow human beings.

So again, to every single person, family and child in our community, I say:

We want you here.

It’s a testament to how far off the rails we’re going that I even need to say these words. And I worry that we may be seeing more acts like this to come. This is the same school that was targeted by anti-immigration fliers at the start of the year. Intolerant, prejudiced people are feeling empowered; they’re being indulged and normalized. No one can predict when they’ll recede to the shadows again, but probably not soon enough.

In the meantime, to anyone who gets targeted by this kind of racial hatred, I implore you to reach out to the city, to the police, to our schools, to our local churches and to your neighbors. No one needs to bear this burden alone or in silence. Your community will have your back. Your city will have your back. I will have your back. No matter what the worst among us may say or do, you need to know one undeniable truth:

We want you here.


9 Responses to “We want you here”

  1. Mira Dean says:

    Personally speaking, this election I vote this for candidates who prioritize citizens over illegal aliens, those who oppose sanctuary cities, amnesty and taxpayer funded in state college tuition discounts for illegals. That means NO Democrats When will politicians and people in general figure out that when you reward illegal immigration with jobs, amnesty, drivers licenses, discounts for college tuition, scholarships encourages MORE illegal entry.. Illegal immigration negativity effects our economy from employment to use public services. Just debating this in congress is costing taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars….. thank the parents.

    Another concern is the real “immigrants” who have waited in line? The “dreamers” don’t care about them, but we as a country should. People fleeing persecution? or people fleeing for freebies? they don’t stay in Mexico when they reach safety or ask for political asylum in Mexico. Why? because Mexico will give them nothing. So they make the long journey to our border. America is not splitting up families, that decision is theirs. I don’t know how these dreamers can wave goodbye to their parents being deported but they do so every day. Its ALL about them. Selfish. With over 100,000 veterans homeless you would think that would be a priority Not so.

    This current migration at our southern border is costing taxpayers a kings ransom.

    Why no protests for the thousands of American citizens victimized by illegal aliens?




  2. David Gibbs says:

    Thank you, Major Joe! I agree 100% with every word you’ve written here, and I thank you for writing this. It’s a tragedy that simple decency should be seen as courageous, and that hate should be normalized in any context. Thanks for reminding us all that Somerville welcomes everyone.

  3. Villenous says:

    Why do I get the sense Mira Dean is some yahoo from a state far, far away?

  4. Amit Shah says:

    Thank you, Mayor. Your message is clear and much appreciated.

  5. Max says:

    This was extremely well-written and I think it accurately represents who the people of Somerville are. Mira Dean, we won’t deport you from Somerville … but you are welcome to leave on your own accord 🙂

  6. Jaime says:

    Very commendable that the Mayor wants Illegals here. What he doesn’t want are long-time residents, the homeless, the disabled, veterans, anyone who drives a car, etc. etc.

  7. Villenous says:

    So, something struck me as fishy about Mira Dean and sure enough there is.

    First to comment in this Texas Monthly article – https://www.texasmonthly.com/news/court-rulings-open-path-trump-administration-end-daca-soon/

    Here’s essentially the same post from the Pittsburgh City Paper – https://www.pghcitypaper.com/pittsburgh/mira-dean/Profile?oid=8531999

    Lots of buzzwords, links to propaganda sites. There is no “Mira Dean”. That’s a disinformation op.

  8. Krugerkel says:

    Thank you Joe,
    I’m in East Somerville and absolutely will stand up to anyone targeting people with this bs.

    Mira Dean you’re free to leave anytime!
    Take Trump with you! Tell me when the homeless and vets In this country have been cared for? The same people you complain about as junkie losers and abusers of Section 8 and SNAP. Hypocrite

  9. Citizen says:

    We want you here if you enter legally and obey the laws.