Members of the public are invited to attend and speak at a Monday, July 9, Public Hearing on the application of the Union Square Neighborhood Council (USNC) requesting to be designated by the City as the neighborhood council for the Union Square area.

Responsibilities of the designated council will include negotiating a Community Benefits Agreement with the Union Square Master Developer, Union Square Station Associates, as well as providing a representative voice for the neighborhood community in matters related to Union Square projects before City departments, boards, and commissions. To review the USNC’s application documents— as well as the new ordinance, passed on June 28, 2018, by the Board of Aldermen, that describes the designation process— please visit

The hearing, held by the Board of Aldermen Legislative Matters Committee of the Whole, will take place Monday, July 9, at City Hall in the Aldermanic Chambers. Please note, this hearing will be preceded by a hearing on another matter (the Draft Demolition Review Ordinance) that starts at 6:45 p.m.  and will start immediately at the conclusion of that hearing so attendees are urged to arrive as close to 6:45 p.m. as possible.

Public testimony at the hearing will be limited to two minutes per person. Written testimony may be submitted to and As the Chair expects that deliberation will occur at the July 9th meeting, members of the public are encouraged to submit written testimony at least several days before the Public Hearing, but written testimony for the record will be accepted at any time.


Individuals with disabilities who need auxiliary aids and services for effective communication, written materials in alternative formats, or reasonable modifications in policies and procedures, in order to access the programs and activities of the City of Somerville or to attend meetings, should contact the City’s ADA Coordinator, NencySalamoun, at 617-625-6600 x2323 or


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