Conway Park and Playground update

On June 23, 2018, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

EPA and MassDEP are active on this project and working to assist us as we continue with our assessment, and we took several important steps forward last week.

Each agency sent a representative to the site last week for a joint walk-about to inform their requirements for further testing. The visit was important progress. With EPA and MassDEP guidance, our Licensed Site Professional, Weston & Sampson, is finalizing a plan for the next phase of required testing.

To accelerate the process, the city submitted an appropriation request to the Board of Aldermen on Thursday, June 14, to fund the next round of testing, and it was swiftly passed by the Board at the same session. With funding in place, this means that as soon as the EPA approves the testing plan, Weston & Sampson will be able to begin their assessment immediately.

After the testing, our hope is to have sufficient data to support reopening the playground as quickly as possible. In addition, the goal for the athletic field is to collect sufficient data to develop an approved cleanup plan that can be integrated into its planned renovation.

Playground Area Next Steps

  • Once given EPA approval, Weston & Sampson will conduct additional assessment in the playground area.
  • Depending on the results of additional testing, Weston & Sampson will confer with regulators regarding next steps for either full or partial reopening of the playground.
  • To work toward the earliest possible reopening of the playground, Weston & Sampson has agreed to make every effort to expedite the additional testing.
  • The Parks and Recreation (P&R) Department continues to work with area daycare/youth providers to identify alternative play areas. If you have questions regarding park or playground alternatives, please contact P&R Director Jill Lathan at or 617-625-6600 x2983.
  • Playground reopening: We understand that members of the community are anxious to see the playground reopen. We are too. It is important however to understand the EPA’s role. EPA must adhere to strict protocols that shape their timelines, but we are confident that the agency will strive to prevent any avoidable delay. Because EPA is in control of the pace of their regulatory review, and the results of additional testing could impact the timeline, we will not have a defined time frame for the completion of this process until we receive further guidance. But we will keep the community updated on our progress, and we are making every effort to complete steps in our control as swiftly as possible.

Athletic Field Area Next Steps

  • Once given EPA approval, Weston & Sampson will conduct additional assessment of the infield and outfield areas, as well as of the entrance/concession areas outside of the fence.
  • Weston & Sampson will review the data and develop a cleanup plan for review by EPA.
  • The Parks and Recreation (P&R) Department continues to work with our youth athletic field users to minimize displacement. If you have questions regarding park or playground alternatives, please contact P&R Director Jill Lathan at or 617-625-6600 x2983.
  • Park redesign: As part of the City’s Fields Master Plan, Conway field is slated for a needed redesign and upgrade. It is the city’s intent to begin the design process soon so that renovations can begin in a timely manner after remediation is complete. To that end, a request for design funds will be made shortly to the Board of Aldermen. If approved, we will next select a landscape architecture firm for the project. Once we have a team on board, the community process will follow. We understand that community members are eager to start the field redesign process. We share that goal and will keep you posted on our progress.

Contact Us

As always, we are happy to answer your additional questions. Please feel free to contact Director of Parks and Open Space Arn Franzen at 617-625-6600 x2545 or

— City of Somerville


Information Session Video from Tuesday, March 29, 2018


2 Responses to “Conway Park and Playground update”

  1. #questions says:

    Something’s wrong with this picture. This field has been rebuilt several times over recent years. The playground is almost brand new. How is it that it is contaminated now and wasn’t when it was built?

  2. billy says:

    Place looks like a dump now just like the other site near Wings Over Somerville across from China delight. Assembly row looks really nice though. 🙂