Let’s face it, sometimes don’t you want to get down and downright dirty? Poet Lo Galluccio takes on that persona.

Poet Lo Galluccio
Sometimes I want to be the wicked queen and lock Snow White’s pure red heart in a gold and black box, so she can’t love the blue birds or kiss the prince and be saved. Sometimes I want a heart so black it can never be moved or touched. I want to scorch the earth and embrace darkness and lunacy. I want to be as far away from everybody as the moon is from the earth. I want snow and thunder and tornadoes. I would freeze myself in my mother’s black 50s dress and walk with my sunglasses through fields of poppies. I want to be a Chinese dragoness with a red satin Shanghai dress and roses with thick dark thorns around my neck. I want the skull necklace and blue face of Kali. I want to ruin weddings and cackle at funerals. Sometimes the pain of being human and having failed is so much vertigo and nausea and suffering that I want to strike back with a laser beam and just dematerialize anything that bores me, maintains me, banal or concrete or even useful. I want to be a vampire or Scarlett O’Hara or Al Pacino, famous and ravishing, past death and futility, able to blast my way through the traffic jam of life. I want to fly. I want to destroy the goodness in me, the quaint way we smile and pretend it’s okay when it’s boring and insane and ridiculous to be mortal. Sometimes I just want to wail and cry and kill with my blues. Yes I want vengeance at being born on this sorry small incredible planet earth and the wicked queen will do.
— Lo Galluccio
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