New backpacks for East Somerville kids

On September 15, 2010, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

An East Somerville Community School 4th grader accepts a backpack from Representative Denise Provost. ~Photo courtesy of Somerville Public Schools

East Somerville Community School Principal Dr. Holly Hatch accepts a backpack from Representative Denise Provost. ~Photo courtesy of Somerville Public Schools

Representative Denise Provost visited the East Somerville Community School on Friday morning and donated 15 brand new, colorful backpacks. The donation was coordinated by the Beacon Hill Women’s Caucus. Backpacks were given to 15 elementary students who did not have backpacks at the start of the year.  Here, an East Somerville Community School fourth grader accepts a backpack from Representative Provost. Visit to learn more about making a donation to the Somerville Public Schools

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