In response to resident interest, more meetings looking at specific areas of the proposed Zoning Overhaul have been added. Each of these meetings will be held at the Visiting Nurses Association, 259 Lowell St., starting at 6:30 p.m.
March 21: Attainable Housing #2 (A follow-up to the January meeting.)
April 11: Economic Development (A make-up for the February meeting canceled due to snow.)
April 25: Sustainability (This meeting is rescheduled from the originally announced date of 4/11.)
May 9: Residential Occupancy (This meeting is to discuss the rule prohibiting four unrelated individuals from living together.)
May 23: Residential Neighborhoods #2 (A follow-up to the January meeting.)
For more information on the proposed Zoning Overhaul, visit
— City of Somerville
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