By William Tauro Somerville District Court Clerk Magistrate Robert "Ted" Tomasone and Somerville District Court Presiding Judge Maurice Flynn, two Ted Williams fans, are shown here displaying a piece of baseball historical memorabilia. The visiting baseball bat stopped by the court house early Wednesday morning for a photo opportunity before it heads to the auction block where it will be auctioned off and it's proceeds donated to charity by the North End Athletic Association. It's one of the last few "Louisville Slugger" baseball bats that is still in existence that was manufactured by "Hillerich & Bradsby" of Louisville Kentucky with a production date of 1940. Even more uniquely about the bat, it was signed by number nine himself, Theodore "Teddy Baseball" Williams in 1941. |
The bat is owned by North End Athlethic Association (NEAA) member Mike Giannasoli who's organization is located in Boston's historic North End where Clerk Magistrate Tomasone is the Chairman of that association which raises monies for local charities.
The bat comes with a certificate of authenticity as well as two DNA test certificates confirming the DNA match of Ted Williams. It also comes with a micro chip implanted in the bat for security reasons.
The bat is estimated to be valued at around $100,000.
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