The poet David Lombino looks beyond the happy horse…. (well you know what I mean), to what he sees as a rotten underbelly to this new vision of Somerville that is taking place under our noses. There is always two sides of the coin–and you got to look carefully at both. Lombino writes The Times:

David Lombino
City of Changes
My city keeps changing
Without me–
I don’t feel a community,
I see new businesses, mostly restaurants,
Catering to wealthy crowds;
I see our land being sold off to developers,
Who don’t live near our city;
I see a people more white,
More educated,
More status-quo and inauthentic,
Accidental imperialists
As they raise the rents against
The old, poor, and native;
And I don’t recognize them,
As the people from my memories,
When I thought my city was the whole world,
And nothing would ever change—
Right now Baltimore is burning in a riot;
Here we face a different kind of fire,
And it looks like progress,
But only if you have money.
— David Lombino
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