Lyrical Somerville – May 28

On May 28, 2014, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times


Poet Steve Lappen has sent us a poem – so please concentrate…if you can.



Steve Lappen

Steve Lappen

I look admiringly upon the book’s front cover,
Its design as inviting as a tour through the Louvre.
As I turn to the first page of text,
There is the slightest bit of hesitation,
Even resistance offered by the book.

The words on the page begin a dizzying dance.
With fear and trembling I slow the dance
To a rhythmic crawl.
Still and all my eyes cannot keep pace.
Rhythm gives way to a chaotic burn.
My eyes surrender to letters
Bound together in a meaningless string.
At last, I close the book.

I look admiringly upon the book’s front cover,
Its design as inviting as a tour through the Louvre.
I sigh a sigh of needed relief.
I sigh a sigh of mounting disgust.
Concentration’s caress will not be mine.

— Steve Lappen



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