Newstalk for June 30

On June 30, 2010, in Latest News, by The News Staff
The Mayors annual July 4 fireworks celebration at Trum field will be this Thursday night. Huge crowds are expected and this year's fireworks are going to be great. Again, we have been told they are privately paid for and sponsored so we get the fireworks and the city doesn't have to pay for them…join the Mayor and all your friends and neighbors at Trum field and enjoy.


With all the budget hearings going on and discussions between the city and the various city unions we found out an interesting fact. Seems Alderman-at-Large Dennis Sullivan's new bride Melissa Hurley-Sullivan has a new job – she is, as we understand it, the paid spokesman for the city union, the SMEA. We're wondering if Alderman Dennis sits in on executive sessions regarding the city's stand on union negotiations while his wife is a spokeswoman and strategist for the city unions, is that ethical? We heard he went to the State Ethics committee and he told them. according to sources, that his wife's pay check from the union wasn't directly a benefit to him. Even if this is ethical and the state says it is, doesn't it give the appearance of a conflict of interest for Dennis, an elected official? Often, the appearance of a conflict of interest in the public sector is just as bad for public perception. Is this another example of some politicians saying and doing what they want?


A few weeks back (on television) Alderwoman Gewirtz from Ward 6 mentioned that the 311 operators might be a good place to cut from the budget. And so the three ladies who work in that department and are union members themselves, went to the public hearing to explain what they do. So at the public hearing last week on the budget, where citizens can voice their concerns, the three ladies in that department started to speak. Lo and behold, Alderwoman Gewirtz – who often uses terms such as "public input" and "transparency" when she's grandstanding — tried to shut them down. But, thanks to the Chairperson of the committee Alderwoman Heuuston who quickly reminded Gewirtz it's a public hearing designed to allow citizens to talk, she started to back pedal. We understand that Rebekah is a paid lobbyist for a state Social Workers association. An elected official trying to shut down a group of citizens from speaking up at a public hearing seemed kind of odd to us out here in TV land.


Get well to Alderman Bob Trane who was in a bad car accident on Monday in Medford, he got rear ended and ended up in the hospital, he's out now and he's going to be at work on the board to finish up and vote on the fiscal budget.


Congratulations to our own Cam Toner of Ms. Cam's Olio, and of course, our left and right hands in the News office. Cam was honored with a Board of Aldermen citation last week – she was speechless and very happy for being recognized for her many years of contributions to the city. Afterwards her family took her to Washington, D.C. to fulfill a lifelong dream of visiting the various sites. We know she ended up at the White House, we hear she was looking for the President to talk to him about the budget, or was it to get some trivia for her column?


Here's an interesting little thing that was sent to us here at Newstalk by someone who apparently follows crime news in India. They asked us to Google the words, Senator Patricia Jehlen and fraud, and see what comes up just four items down. Apparently her son in law has a warrant out for his arrest in India for fraud. You can directly Google him, her son in law is Nandlal Nayak, an Indian folk singer who is married to Senator Jehlen's daughter, who lives here in Somerville we are told. Funny what people dig up, when you Google their names isn't it? We thank the mystery Newstalker for sending us this information.


Ever try Amelia's in Teele Square? A couple of Newstalkers were there on Saturday night, just before the North End Facebook reunion. The food was great but the hospitality was a little bit off. You'd think during these trying times restaurants throughout would be grateful for customers. Guess that's not the case at Amelia's. Over the next few weeks, several Newstalkers will be visiting various establishments to see how they fair… Only one other so far we heard from was 99 Restaurant – we're told they've been extremely slow in service lately as well.


Neighborhood meeting in Winter Hill tonight Wednesday, June 30 at the Elizabeth Peabody House at 277 Broadway in Winter Hill from 7 to 9 p.m. to introduce "Ocean State Job Lot" as a potential tenant at the former Star Market site. Is this the best they can do for this valuable site right in the middle of Winter Hill?


Congratulations to Robert Johnston of Woburn formerly of Somerville and who has been involved in many Somerville charities over the years, (such as the Somerville Home and the YMCA). Bob, received the prestigious "Joseph Warren" medal last week from the Grand Lodge of Masons for his devotion to the craft, his community and church, Bob served in Iwo Jima in WWII, he was recently honored for his bravery and service by actor Tom Hanks as well. His family were long time Somerville residents for decades, and although Bob moved to Woburn, his heart and soul remained right here in Somerville. At the ceremony over 100 of his friends and family were present to witness the presentation. We salute his dedication and service.


Mayor Joe Curtatone and the Somerville Recreation Department present "Summer Theater Camp" aka Project STAR. Somerville Theatre Arts and Recreation start serving Somerville kids for 6 weeks Monday – Thursday starting July 6 grade level 6 through 12. Camp is from 9 to 12:30 with breakfast and lunch included, at the Cummings School on School Street. It's all free.


We send well wishes to Middlesex County Registrar of Deeds Tara DeCristofaro and her husband Eric who are expecting their first baby. Tara and Eric are nice people and come from great local families we know they will make great parents, we will keep you posted.


The screening for the new Police Chief to fill the vacancy left by our last Chief is winding down to a few and one of the candidates is our own Mike Cabral, a guy who grew up here, worked his way up in the department and has been very popular with both the police and citizens alike. We think he's the best choice and we certainly hope he gets selected. Mike is a good guy, and he's a gentleman.


Are you another one that can't wait for November 3 to send a message to both Beacon Hill and Washington DC? We know for a fact that a lot of people have taken up and the city better be ready for a huge turnout of voters that day.


Local Popular Attorneys Richard G. DiGirolamo and Anne M. Vigorito have announced a professional affiliation with Attorney Betsy M. Allen. Attorney Allen will focus her practice on immigration, bankruptcy and employment law. We wish her the best, we know both Rich and Anne and they are great at what they do in representing their clients.


Quick follow up: former Mayor Dot Kelly Gay's husband Bert is resting and is getting much better we hear and we understand he stopped smoking. Drop a line to Bert, he will appreciate it….we bet with his nature he will be up and out soon enough.


What's going on down at Somerville's shore line at Assembly Square with all the overgrown grass and rubbish and debris, attracting rats and other vermon. Many residents use the river front to jog and or walk, maybe our state delegation might want to get after DCR to clean it up if they can pull themselves away from their pet projects.



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