Reality Bites

On May 19, 2004, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

by James Norton

Not for nothing, but I can kind of understand the people of Iraq and the Arab states for being a little angry about the way and manner some of the inmates at that now famous prison in Iraq were treated, but to act the way they’re acting, I say enough is enough. They want to behead Americans, assassinate the head of their own governing council and use bombs outfitted with the deadly nerve agent Sarin? An eye for an eye? I don’t think so. Say thanks to getting rid of Saddam and let us help stabilize the country—don’t act like whack jobs and try to kill us all. We should get the hell out of there and learn our lesson and let them implode and become part of Iran or Syria or whatever state they want to create and let the Jihaddists all kill themselves.

Hey, I’m not an idiot, I can see the argument of needing to stay and finish the job—but how many lives is it going to take until enough is enough? Why should this be the new millennium’s version of Vietnam? Why should we as a people be emotionally assaulted every night while watching the TV news with complete and utter insanity and the increased levels of aggression towards the United States?

Originally I was going to spend the first half of this piece explaining about Mesopotamia, the history of the region, maybe a little about terrorism as a whole (of course while avoiding the political hot potato of why we went there in the first place), the differences between our country and its ideals versus a more religious based form of government in that region—but why bother with all that? I’m not a history professor, and God forbid I say something a little out of school—I don’t feel like fielding the letters to the editor correcting me when I’m trying to make a point, not quote a statistic. If you want to know more about the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and the region as a whole, then go pick up a bible or a history book or catch Arab Week on the History Channel.

I have talked to people from all over the globe. They see the movies and the TV shows that come out of Hollyweird and think that we really can go in and kill one person, that great conspiracies really do exist. Ever watch the show “24”? So these people in other countries, holding very seriously their religious convictions, get to peek into our world through these mediums and others and begin to believe that we are a country of plotters and planners and we have a master plan for the planet with our debauchery.

The twisted part about this warped sense of reality is that while it’s entertaining to us on one level, it causes a chain of events to happen in other parts of the world on a different level. Then the morons in Hollywood go and visit fanatical countries and try to distance themselves from the very product they help sell on a global level.

Ever since Jane Fonda made it fashionable for Hollywood types to “make a statement for the little people” (away from their Oceanside Malibu compounds), there has been some idiot out there who stars in movies seen all over the world, traveling to some remote location making our country look stupid. And then they criticize Bush for doing a bad job against lunatics strapping bombs to their nephews and sending them out to die in the streets. These same people, if they didn’t have their trailers and administrative assistants and lawyers and press people and agents and ass wipers around them 24/7, would probably crap their pants if they had to go to the store themselves and pay actual cash for a loaf of bread, never mind run anything of substance. But hey, they’re experts on how the President is doing and what he should be doing, or not be doing. Give me a break.

I love movies—and I own quite the collection—but I will not buy anything or pay to see anything with Michael Moore, Sean Penn, Jane Fonda, Tim Robbins or Susan Sarandon—just to name a few. They are hypocrisy at its most narcissistic point possible.

What should we do in Iraq? You know, I’d say we are screwed at this point. It’s too bad, because it was the right intention, and the people overall are happy to be rid of Saddam, but if they want to act like asses, then leave them to kill each other and stop killing our friends, brothers and sisters, sons and daughters. Hey that’s just my opinion.


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