Lipkin: Lavender Alliance turns to Green

On August 4, 2004, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

by Neil W. McCabe

The Democratic challenger for the 26th Middlesex state representative seat, which includes parts of Ward 1 and 2, announced July 22 his endorsement by the Lavender Alliance, Cambridge’s gay organization.

“I am honored to receive the support of the Lavender Alliance in my race for State Representative,” said Avi Green, who is challenging incumbent State Rep. Timothy J. Toomey Jr. in the Sept. 14 primary.

“Members of the Lavender Alliance were pleased with Avi’s familiarity with our issues and his commitment to protecting our rights,” said Arthur Lipkin, co-founder of the Lavender Alliance. “We look forward to working with him to continue the progress we’ve made in Massachusetts.”

“Avi has always been a passionate advocate for progressive issues,” said Murray Wheeler, member of the Lavender Alliance.
“We need strong leaders at the State House who will tirelessly defend equality. I believe that Avi will bring a much needed voice to Beacon Hill,” Wheeler said.

Both Green and Toomey had been competing for the lesbian, gay, bi-sexual and transgender vote endorsement for weeks and appeared before the Lavender Allinance to make their case, said Josh Sugarman, a Green campaign spokesman.

“With their endorsement, the Lavender Alliance becomes the first LGBT organization to take sides in this hotly contested Democratic primary,” said Sugarman.

reen said, “I will always be a strong voice and a definite vote for equality. Now, more than ever, we need energetic representatives who will lead the fight for equality under the law and the right for all of us to marry. I look forward to continuing this fight at the State House and working closely with the Lavender Alliance.”

Three motions were entertained during the endorsement debate: one to endorse Green, one to endorse Toomey, and one to endorse both candidates. The motion to endorse Green was the only one to gain enough support to pass. Green won the backing of 65% of the group’s voting members, Sugarman said.

“This years endorsement process brought together long time residents and neighborhood newcomers who spent a lot of time carefully evaluating these two candidates,” said Sue Hyde, co-founder of the Lavender Alliance. “I am pleased and satisfied with the quality of the discussion that led to the endorsement. The decision to endorse Avi Green was made carefully and the process was open and honest.”

“In the end, I think our decision was about more than just the gay rights,” said Lauree Hayden, a member of the Lavender Alliance and district resident.

“This district deserves a State Representative who will fight for equality across the board. Tim Toomey has proven that he is not that representative. I know that Avi Green will always be a leader for the LGBT community and a consistent defender of a woman’s right to choose,” she said.


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