The View from Prospect Hill

On August 18, 2004, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

One year ago, while campaigning for mayor, Alderman Joseph A. Curtatone criticized Dorothy A. Kelly Gay for putting her own political ambitions and program ahead of the interests of the city.

Curtatone said a prime example of this was Kelly Gay’s botching of state funding for the restoration of Dilboy Field, which was ready to go until Kelly Gay needlessly antagonized Gov. Mitt Romney.

The mayor of the city must work with the governor, regardless of party politics, out of respect for the office and for the good of the city, Candidate Curtatone said.

What a difference a year makes.

It turns out that getting along with the governor is not a priority for a Somerville mayor. It turns out that Kelly Gay had it right, and annoying the governor is back in the City Hall playbook.

Perhaps one of the Harvard fellows, funded by the Rappaport family, ran a risk analysis?

Does Mayor Curtatone really believe that poisoning the city’s relationship with the governor by joining the same-sex of out-of-state couples lawsuit was the right move?

Forget that the lawsuit has nothing to do with anyone who lives in the city, or for that matter, who lives in Massachusetts.

Imagine for a moment what it would be like to have a friend in the State House’s corner office. Imagine if the governor wasn’t gunning to cut our funds for Dilboy field. Imagine having a mayor who could pick up the phone and ask the governor to fight for the extension of the Green Line?

We are not asking the mayor to become of political bootblack, but we gotta ask, “Why can’t we just get along?”


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