Our View of the Times – December 4

On December 4, 2013, in Latest News, by The Somerville Times

powderhouse_viewIt’s officially off and running, now that Thanksgiving Day has come and gone.

And just what is the “it” in question? That’s a good question, according to many. The Christmas/holiday/whatever season is now upon us, and with it comes the disconcerting controversy regarding the nomenclature of the occasion.

The well meaning, if over-zealous, proponents of inclusiveness are again launching their annual assault on the practice by many of us of referring to the Christmas tradition as just that, rather than stripping it of its customary meaning and adopting a generic “holiday” designation.

We get it. Our citizenry is diverse, and many different religious beliefs are represented. No right thinking person wants to make any other uncomfortable by forcing unwelcome messages on those who embrace differing beliefs and values. But the tradition of celebrating Christmas goes back to the very first days of American society, however differently it may have been observed throughout those years. For a significant segment of the population, it is an integral part of their personal ideology and familial cohesiveness.

No one should be denied the right to call their sacred traditions what they want them to be called. Ever.

Happy holidays to all.


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