News Talk

On September 15, 2004, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Even if you’re a life-long resident of Somerville, you probably didn’t know that there is a park intimately known as the “fishing hole” near the Amelia Earhart Dam. Well this past Saturday, the park was dedicated to the memory of Patrick “Sully” Sullivan, who was the brother of Joan Guarino. Sully was a life long resident of East Somerville and was a Vietnam Veteran who spent many of his days at the quiet “fishing hole”. We didn’t know that this beautiful park was part of Somerville – and one of us grew up in East Somerville. The dedication was held on a beautiful day with a nice crowd of family and friends to remember his life and celebrate it. His sister Joan worked hard to put the dedication together to remember her brother and she is a good person.

The recent elections held this week and it has to make you wonder just how some candidates whom have never been involved politically before can put out such expensive literature. Single issue candidates, trying to unseat elected officials who have worked hard for the district and know what constituent service is all about, are finding out you can’t just buy an election. Putting your name on a ballot is a commendable thing, if the motives are pure – purporting to be “progressive” and for the “average” person on the street just doesn’t wash when you have contributions from people who don’t even live in the district. Even newcomers to our fair city can see through the transparency of this type of candidate.

A lovely lady passed away recently – Bertha Barbour, formerly of Myrtle Street, was 97 years young when she passed away. Bertha was a loving, giving person who was always in good spirits. Her memory will live long in the hearts of those that knew and admired her.

Another recent passing was Ms. Linda Chamberlain, formerly of Highland Avenue. Linda went through a long bout of illness before being taken at the young age of 45. Her family and friends gathered together to pay honor to her memory. Linda grew up here in Somerville, went to Somerville’s schools and worked for many years at Tufts University. She was an inspiration to many.

Rumor has it through reliable sources that the DPW will be taking over the stretch of Medford Street that runs along side McGrath Highway from Prospect Street down towards Ward Street. The takeover will mean no parking on the even side of the street so that the roadway can remain clear for emergency situations and street cleaning.

It appears we have quite the fan club. Helen Boliver and the wonderful group of ladies at Cobble Hill Apartments on Washington Street told us that they look forward to reading every edition of the Somerville News. Thanks ladies.

The Feast of Saint Cosmos Damiano was celebrated the other day and a huge crowd was on hand, as usual. The Curtatone and Tauro families have sponsored this celebration for many years – making it a long-standing tradition here in Somerville. Over 250 people showed up this year to enjoy the festivities.

Nothing really new on the local political circuit – it seems that all is quiet, but rumors still persist of a few people who might be running in various races next year here in the city. Let’s start with a new lesson for the day. Local politics is best and more is done for the average citizen when elected officials move up into higher office or are voted out of office altogether. State Representatives and State Senators have more pull for us when they have seniority.

Remember that we are now on the web at and we are constantly updating the web site daily, depending on local happenings. We are all across the city now – in over 150 locations – with a separate mailing list approaching 600. We even get over 100 hits a day on our website. There are still even bigger plans to make The Somerville News the choice paper, now that we publish every other week with distribution clocking in at 10,000 printed for each edition.


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