News Talk

On October 6, 2004, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

The quiet summer is over with and everyone is back in town. Rumors are out there with some serious consequences on one in particular. Even before the “Farm Team Paper” (you know who we mean) had the front page story last week on Alderman Tom Taylor, our paper was the first to break the story, but we refused to go into rumor details like they did before something was made public. They maligned Tom even before an indictment was handed down. We printed the story first, but not into the details like they did. We choose to wait and see if it’s true – not to print a story based mostly on rumor and ruin a good family’s name.

It appears that former mayor Dorothy Kelly Gay is considering a run for the Ward 3 seat held by Alderman Tom Taylor, you know him – the one just ruined by the “farm team” and the man who started her political career for her by putting her on the School Committee so many years ago. We heard a bar-b-cue or back yard meeting was held at one of her strongest supporter’s (strong as a “post” that is) house about two weeks ago. Listen, she might not know how to return calls, but Ms. Cathy O’Dea was rumored to be the one making the calls to put the old team back together. We wondered if Kool-aid was served. The vultures are circling – Ward 3 just might have a primary this next election. We have heard two other names of people considering that seat, including Bill Shelton from the “Mystic My View Task Force.” Say, do you think Ken Kelly threw away all of his signs?

We can’t wait for the pod-people to hit the streets running. Other names mentioned for this next set of local elections are Former Alderman Kevin Tarpley and Tony LaFuente in the Alderman-at-Large race, as well as a possible rematch between Ward 7 Alderman Bob Trane and his last opponent – Marty Martinez – whom he just barely beat. We got a copy of his latest proposal to win the gay vote and can we finally say that the Trane (sic) has left the station? Another favorite target – Ward 4 Alderman Walter Pero – just might have two or three opponents this next time around. Watch out, we hear he’s a fighter.

Finally the Governor, with the help of Senator Shannon, Rep. Vinny Ciampa and in particular Mayor Joe, approved the Eight Million-Dollar package for the Dilboy Field. We are glad that the project for the new Dilboy Stadium will be started soon. Speaking of state aid, what’s happening with that Lowell Street bridge – we hear the meetings with the neighborhood have been heated. That bridge has been out for several years now and it’s about time that those people or entities holding up the bridge money from the State get to work and open it back up. We thought that this issue was resolved once the off ramp was approved for the development at the old Bag & Foil factory. Another bridge that needs to be restored is the Sycamore Street bridge – it looks horrible and needs to be updated.

Drive up and down Broadway now and the city has been transformed with the islands being done over – new grass, bright flowers and healthy trees starting at lower Broadway all the way up and down Winter Hill. It burns us to see the beautiful islands and people just walking across them, already ruining the grass and the flowers. You’d think people would watch where they’re walking – oh silly us, that’s too much to ask, isn’t it. Maybe the police should start giving out jay-walking tickets to the dozens and dozens of nimrods who do it every day up and down Broadway. Or, maybe it’d just be easier to install gravel in the islands and forget about trying to make it look nice in the city.

The Assistant Director of the Council on Aging, Patty Norton, was out recently with what appeared to be a minor stroke. Good news, it wasn’t a stroke, but something similar to a stroke and there doesn’t appear to be any permanent damage – it was definitely caused by stress. We also hear she’s going back at work soon and wish her best of luck.

Looking for a real debate? Check out the October 13th candidate’s forum we are sponsoring at the Independent in Union Square between State Rep. Pat Jehlen and Dane Baird. We hate to admit it, but Jehlen is the Democrat and Baird is the Republican. Funnyman and the host of our Comedy Nights @ Toast – Baratunde – will be the host.

The former Masonic Lodge on College Avenue recently moved back to Somerville on Highland Avenue, where currently King Solomon’s Masonic Lodge owns the building at 125 Highland Avenue. It’s great to see two Masonic lodges thriving here in the city after over 100 years of service to the community. There are currently over 1000 masons/mason related members here in Somerville. For more information contact Bruce Rollins at 617-776-5448.

Want to be updated with local news on a daily basis – then check out our website – which is updated all the time with all the recent Somerville news/stories. Put our site in your Favorites list and look for daily news and happenings. We are still growing all the time – we now have over 25 people either working for or with The Somerville News, and over 600 on our ever expanding mailing list.


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