Capuano Leads CDGB Roundtable

On March 13, 2005, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Cdbg1 Rep. Michael E. Capuano, D-Somerville, (left) Feb. 24 led a roundtable discussion on White House efforts to cut Community Development Block Grants, with local mayors, including Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone (right). Also shown is Amesbury Mayor David Hilt. News Photo by Neil W. McCabe

by Neil W. McCabe

Rep. Michael E. Capuano, D-Somerville, Feb. 24 hosted a roundtable discussion with area mayors to highlight the devastating impact that President Bush’s proposed dismantling of the Community Development Block Grant program will have on Massachusetts.

“As the former Mayor of Somerville, I know firsthand how critically important this funding is to the quality of life in our communities,” said Capuano.

It has helped improve countless neighborhoods over the years. CDBG money can be used to fund down payment assistance programs, create and preserve affordable housing, improve storefronts and renovate deteriorating structures,” he said.

The discussion was held in the Community Room at 43 Smith St. in Boston’s Mission Main.

Capuano said the neighborhood had special meaning for him because one of his grandfathers had lived in there. Joining the congressman at the roundtable were mayors from eight Massachusetts communities, including Mayor Joesph A. Curtatone.

“Cities like Somerville have been subjected to four years of relentless cuts by both the Romney and Bush Administrations,” Curtatone said.

“It’s time to put a stop to it.  Congressman Capuano deserves enormous credit for coming directly to the communities affected to hear our concerns and for being willing to fight these cuts in Washington.  We will do everything we can to support his efforts,” the mayor said.

Curtatone said he worried that too many people in Washington do not understand how important these programs are.

When Sen. Hilary R. Clinton spoke at Tufts University just after the last election, the mayor said he was struck by her comments on morality in public policy, and how Republicans were wrong to claim that they had a monopoly on morals, he said.

The mayor said he agreed with Clinton, who had told the audience she was a frequent reader of Scripture, which instructs people to help each other and take care of the unfortunate.

Capuano said in Somerville, CDBG funds were used to create, preserve, and rehabilitate more than 100 units of affordable housing last year.

CDBG money also helps fund the Storefront Improvement Program, which helps small business owners improve their building facades, he said.

The funding was also important to the redevelopment of the Boynton Yards from an industrial wasteland to working commercial space, he said.

Capuano said CDBG funding supports dozens of public service agencies that provide everything from language instruction to recreation programs to Somerville residents.

CDBG money can even be used for simple enhancements like planting trees or renovating parks. Our cities and towns are already struggling under the weight of reduced state aid.

Cutting the CDBG program will force communities to make very difficult funding choices and many valuable initiatives may not survive,” he said.

The congressman said last year alone, the CDBG program brought more than $120 million in flexible economic development funding to Massachusetts cities and towns.

President Bush has proposed eliminating the CDBG program and replacing it with a similar program run by the Department of Commerce while cutting funding by at least 35%. This shift would change the way the money is distributed so that it can no longer be used for affordable housing initiatives, he said.

The President has not only proposed a 35% cut in the CDBG program, but he is also advocating moving the program to the Department of Commerce, where the funds would not be directed at affordable housing initiatives, he said.

In addition, the Bush budget proposes changing the formula, so communities with higher average incomes might be excluded from the program entirely. This would seriously hinder efforts to create housing for low and middle-income families in the Greater Boston area.

“President Bush said in his State of the Union address that he wants to help the faith-based and community groups that help those subjected to our societies harshest realities, yet he’s cutting the very programs that help kids stay away from drugs, provide housing and opportunity for mentally disabled citizens, protect battered women from further abuse, and allow low-income families to own their own homes. These CDBG funded programs are run by the very groups President Bush says he wants to promote, yet he’s cutting Somerville’s FY06 funding by 35 percent.

“This is just a very small sampling of the programs and services that face elimination if the President’s budget is approved. Almost everywhere you look, Community Development Block Grant money is working to improve your neighborhood in so many ways,” stated Congressman Capuano.

Participating mayors joining Curtatone and Capuano included Boston Mayor Thomas Menino, Cambridge Mayor Michael Sullivan, Fall River Mayor Edward Lambert, Lynn Mayor Edward Clancy, Newton Mayor David Cohen, Taunton Mayor Robert Nunes and Amesbury Mayor David Hildt. Hildt is currently serving as President of the Massachusetts Mayors’ Association.

State Rep. Jeffrey Sanchez, D-Boston and Boston City Councilor Michael Ross, who also participated in the discussion represent the Mission Hill neighborhood.


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