SAYMedia! A Free Teen Media Program at SCAT

On May 14, 2005, in Latest News, by The News Staff

Somerville Community Access Television is providing a summer media-making program for Somerville youth ages 13 – 18. Running from July 5 through Aug. 18 on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday mornings from 9 a.m. to Noon, the SAYMedia! Program offers eight teens a fun and educational experience.

Taught by two media professionals, participants will learn to use state-of-the-art media technology, including digital video equipment, Mac computers and a three-camera TV studio, to create community media projects. They will learn all the elements of production, from scripting to computer editing, and explore the role of media in their lives.

Most importantly, they will experience working in a creative environment where team-work and mutual respect play essential roles in the success of each project. Projects will include covering community events in Somerville, documentaries and video art. All the work completed in the workshop will be cablecast on SCAT Channel 3.

There is no charge for the program and all Somerville youth are encouraged to apply. Four participants, ages 16 to 18, will be "mentors" and will be paid a stipend of $8.00/hour to assist the younger students and produce programs. For more information and an application, call Somerville Community Access Television at 617-628-8826 or visit


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