On June 28, 2005, in Latest News, by The News Staff

Callahan Picks Up NAGE Endorsement

By George P. Hassett

       The National Association of Government Employees is proud to announce it has endorsed Michael J. Callahan for state Senator of the 2nd Middlesex District of Massachusetts. NAGE represents more than 45,000 workers nationwide, including state and federal employees, court personnel, public safety workers and EMTs and paramedics.

         "He’s the right man for the job. Michael Callahan has worked on behalf of the public good all his life. He understands the needs and concerns of public sector workers and I am confident that he will skillfully represent those needs and concerns as senator," said David J. Holway, national President of NAGE.

          Callahan said he was pleased to get the endorsement and he hopes it will help put him in a position to assist working families.

           "I am very honored to get the endorsement of NAGE. I look forward to working with NAGE to address the issues that affect working families, such as protecting workers’ rights, increasing the minimum wage and fighting for affordable health care for all residents," he said.



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