Newstalk for August 3

On August 2, 2005, in Latest News, by The News Staff

Newstalk for August 3rd 2005

The Senate Candidate Forum/Debate at the Somerville Theatre in Davis Square for the four remaining Democratic candidates is scheduled for Wednesday August 10th at 7:00 PM and will be hosted by State Senator Jarrett T. Barrios and is co-sponsored by The Somerville News and Progressive Talk Radio.  The debate will be videotaped for local cable, the Theatre itself seats about 900 people and we expect a large turnout to hear the issues and find out what separates each of the candidates from the others.  The public is invited to ask questions of the candidates and there will be an informal poll taken on how they did that night, which will be released by The Somerville News the following day.

Newstalk for August 3rd 2005

The Senate Candidate Forum/Debate at the Somerville Theatre in Davis Square for the four remaining Democratic candidates is scheduled for Wednesday August 10th at 7:00 PM and will be hosted by State Senator Jarrett T. Barrios and is co-sponsored by The Somerville News and Progressive Talk Radio.  The debate will be videotaped for local cable, the Theatre itself seats about 900 people and we expect a large turnout to hear the issues and find out what separates each of the candidates from the others.  The public is invited to ask questions of the candidates and there will be an informal poll taken on how they did that night, which will be released by The Somerville News the following day.

There are a bunch of rumors floating around the city concerning City Government – here’s the best one.  We have it through reliable sources that there is a major lawsuit being filed against Mayor Joe Curtatone – the current mayor – and the previous two mayors before him, which would include Congressman Michael Capuano and Dorothy Kelly Gay.  We hear that it’s a class-action lawsuit filed by dozens of Somerville Police Officers, which was filed in Federal Court, who bounced it down to the State level.  The suit involves the condition of the police station and health issues.  Remember, before it was its present use, it was the old MBTA car barn used for the repair of buses.  Everyone knows the Fire Department has moved most of their guys out of the building, but the Police were never moved, after there was clearly environment related health issues and sickness in the building.  Allegedly the lawsuit claims that the three mayors swept a report saying the building was unsafe under the carpet.

Looks like the Water Department has its own problems – there are strong rumors around the city that both clerks in the Water Department were suspended with pay and former water department water reader Joe was forced to resign his position for allegedly fooling around with figures on the computer.  We can’t seem to find out the real reason, but there are all sorts of rumors flying around out there about the situation.  One rumor we heard is that it was all a setup by the higher-ups in the department because they wanted their own people to get those jobs.  Politics and friendship mix so well together – oh yeah – don’t forget loyalty.  That last word is something some people at the DPW might want to re-learn.

Congratulations to Somerville Police Officer Mario Oliveira for foiling the corrupt plans of the evil so-called gang named “The Brazilian Ocean’s Eleven”, who have made their way through our city filling their pockets with our citizens hard earned money.

Also congratulations to Somerville Police Officer Alex Capobianco on returning to his job in the Police Department.  It’s nice to see the wrong that was perpetrated against this nice guy made right.  It’s great to see him back in uniform again, although sources very close to The Somerville News have said that he was very well liked at his other job.

Did you all read that very expensive book sent out by the Mayor this past week?  No wonder he’s having fundraiser’s monthly.  We were impressed at first glance with all the glory and accolades his administration gave themselves – we couldn’t put it down.  Guess it will work to some degree, but we know one thing, the rumor mill is still cranking hard about a lot of people who were with the Mayor in the first race and helped win him his seat are not to happy with him these days.  Maybe he or the “Cathy O’Dea” clones in the Mayor’s Office think they won’t need a lot of the same people who were originally with them.  The biggest complaint we have heard is that he doesn’t like calling people himself – he leaves that for others to do – and that’s only some of the time.  Former Mayor Kelly Gay came to office with great fanfare in the beginning and look what happened to her four years later.  We are beginning to think that it must be in the water in that office and that it turned bad after Mayor Mike left office – he certainly wasn’t like that at all – he has never forgotten those who helped him get elected and always did return calls.

Now we have a quiz for you – see if you can figure out who this is.  What present Alderman in this city is in close partnership with a developer and local real estate?  Even buying property in his/her own Ward under other names so he/she won’t be found out – evicting tenants, converting the properties and then selling them off as condo units?  Rumor has it that this person has been talking too much, making too much noise and saying things he/she probably shouldn’t be saying.

Yes it is true, popular Alderman At Large Bill White is running for two seats and can hold them both if he’s elected.  He appears to be the only Republican candidate for the Senate seat, so he won’t be on the ballot for that race until we see who the Democratic challenger is.  He is also running for re-election to his seat on the Board of Aldermen.  We like Bill, even though he’s a Republican, he’s one of the brightest and clearest minds that has ever sat on the Board.


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