Reality Bites for August 24

On August 24, 2005, in Latest News, by The News Staff

Reality Bites for August 24: A midsummer’s night gone awry and   lessons of life put asunder.

By James Norton

Someone said that Somerville is changing – some say it will never change – I believe that Somerville is a city which has always been changing and always will.  It’s the people that make it vibrant and create the change.  Sadly, some will fight change and others will try to just blend in.  That is their choice – after all this is still America, home of the free.
We have banged our heads against the wall trying to explain this and that and nobody listens.  But they listen to half relayed truths from third parties and consider it gospel.  I love that about people in general – so cynical – just can’t take someone at their word or at face value.  It’s a sad commentary on us as socially interactive people.
So time has come and gone, and while I will take this opportunity to clarify a couple of things in this piece, I will also put those who might care on notice – the time for niceness is long gone.  The dance has only just begun and I will be around long after you are gone.

A midsummer’s night gone awry and lessons of life put asunder.
Someone said that Somerville is changing – some say it will never change – I believe that Somerville is a city which has always been changing and always will.  It’s the people that make it vibrant and create the change.  Sadly, some will fight change and others will try to just blend in.  That is their choice – after all this is still America, home of the free.
We have banged our heads against the wall trying to explain this and that and nobody listens.  But they listen to half relayed truths from third parties and consider it gospel.  I love that about people in general – so cynical – just can’t take someone at their word or at face value.  It’s a sad commentary on us as socially interactive people.
So time has come and gone, and while I will take this opportunity to clarify a couple of things in this piece, I will also put those who might care on notice – the time for niceness is long gone.  The dance has only just begun and I will be around long after you are gone.
Ok now I am going to lose some of you here and others will read on and wonder what the hell I am rambling about and finally there will be that group that will know exactly what I am talking about, but they’re too arrogant to take my word for it.  Once I get some of this stupid crap off my chest, I plan on setting out to attack those who are stupid enough to get themselves noticed on the radar of public life.  That’s my job.
There never was a tape recorder.
Yes, that’s right, it was a bluff.  I didn’t have one on me that day, in that meeting.  Paranoia ten years later about it was laughable and disturbing all at the same time.  What kind of crazy crap do you do behind the scenes that you would actually be afraid of that for?  The other person involved probably doesn’t remember the incident – but you knuckleheads do – and you weren’t even there.  How sad for you.
Need a job?  No problem, you can be a partner in the business because you’re a friend.
When you were out of a job and needed money – to buy your flagship home on the best street in the city – who helped you out?  It sure as hell wasn’t your family – it was your friend – you know the friend who made you a business partner for zero – just because you were a friend.  Great memory.  At least you finally showed your true colors after these years – personal congrats on the great acting job for so long.
Nobody banned your daughter from the paper.
Get a life.  One little incident – that you did – gets blown into something completely crazy and without merit.  Growing up around some of these morons I would have never guessed them to be such delusional nut jobs.  Look, I have said this before a million times – if you’re unclear about something I have said, my father has said or that the paper has meant – pick up the phone and call or just stop by the office.  That goes for anyone who might be confused, not just the teflon hack.
Enough of this rambling on and on about silly stuff – the people who know what I’m talking about heard me – but they won’t believe, so what’s the point.  Feeling a kinship with Sam Giancana is kinda creepy though.  I bet only Bill White will get that one.
Without digressing into a pedantic rant any further, I’ll get back to the beginning of this piece.  Times they are a changing but it’s the people that need to catch up to the rest of the world.  It’s 2005 not 1975.
The good old days of screwing people over and intimidating everyone around you are so over you have no idea.  Today, when you mess with someone, there are consequences.  There is no free pass because you are the man who would be king – and there is no safety in numbers.  Hell, you can’t even implement a “cone of silence” because the next Agent 99 is just as much a political whore as you ever were.  Maxwell Dumbass.
Does that make you feel all warm and fuzzy inside?  Probably not for those who are lost.  I am sorry for losing you – maybe next time I will actually use these people’s names.


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