The View From Prospect Hill for Nov. 2

On November 4, 2005, in Latest News, by The News Staff

The View From Prospect Hill for Nov. 2
      If there is one thing people in this city never fail to do it is express how they feel. From screaming matches at public meetings to Jason Cutter spray painting aggressive anti-gentrification messages on walls, the denizens of Somerville, as different as they may be, can be counted on to tell you what is on their mind.
      That is what makes our own web site so compelling. We are not patting ourselves on the back, because we are not to credit. It is the readers who post comments that often stir up as much controversy as the news stories we report. Even when The Boston Globe praised our “terrific blog” in September for being “the richest source of information” on the 2nd Middlesex state Senate race, writer John Palfrey used most of his ink to discuss the blog’s space for comments.

      The online posters certainly aren’t subject to the same journalistic standards The News is held to. Nor should they be. That is what is so fun about the feedback – its raw and uncut truth.
      There is a surprising amount of serious and insightful analysis of local issues. When young Jason Cutter was arrested for his anti-“yuppie” graffiti, our blog lit up with posters who voiced all sides of the so-called “Old vs. New” divisiveness in the city. When we published a piece on the upcoming Ward 5 election, many posts analyzed how the mayor’s relationship with the entire Board of Aldermen would be affected by this single seat.
      And the subjects are watching. Addicts of have been spotted in city hall and the state house all hours of the day and night.
      Aside from the substantial serious political debate that goes on, there is the guilty pleasure of reading the posts of people whose taste and discretion leaves something to be desired. Unfortunately, sometimes such content sinks to a guttural level, but before it drowns in filth and vulgarity, there is certainly some fun to be had.
      So for Jason Cutter and anyone else with something to say, abandon that paint can, make up a clever anonymous screen name and…TELL EVERYBODY WHAT YOU’RE THINKING! After all, this is Somerville.


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