Police say ‘extremely dangerous and vicious’ man damaged library

On November 27, 2005, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Police say ‘extremely dangerous and vicious’ man damaged library
By Andrea Gregory

  Shane Trisilian ran screaming from the scene of his alleged destruction, according to police.
  Trisilian, 32, of Malden, faces the charge of throwing a bicycle through a large glass window at the College Avenue library.
   Before Trisilian was caught on Highland Avenue last Thursday night, he led police on a chase through residential backyards. Police had originally thought they would catch up with Trisilian at Store 24 in Davis Square. They had received multiple calls to come and take care of a man that was being described as ‚Äúout of control.‚Äù

   ‚ÄúThe man the callers were describing was known to the Somerville Police and was recently asked to leave his residence by his mother, according to first half units. This individual‚Äôs name is the defendant Shane Tresilian and described by many officers as extremely dangerous and vicious,‚Äù wrote Officer Robert W. Hickey in his police report.
    But before police made it to Store 24, more calls were coming in from a local pub and Irving Street residents.
    ‚ÄúMr. Tresilian was banging on windows, screaming, and shouting at residents,‚Äù Hickey said in the police report.
     No one was hurt during the chase, but an Irving Street fence did suffer some destruction as well as the library.


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