Thief was ready to take the girl’s arm and her money

On November 30, 2005, in Latest News, by The News Staff

Thief was ready to take the girl’s arm and her money
By Andrea Gregory

   A car full of guys attempted to steal $20 from the young woman who offered them directions. Later, Jonathon Alexis, 21, of 19 Braemore Road, Medford and Tony Salvador, 18, of 20 Canal Lane, were both arrested and charged with unarmed robbery and assault and battery with a dangerous weapon.
   Around 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, two sisters were walking down Albion Street when a car pulled up to them. The man in the rear passenger‚Äôs seat rolled down his window and asked the two girls for directions to Broadway.
   The sisters had no problem telling the men in the car how to get there. One of the sisters walked right up to the open window and began directing them to Broadway. In her hand was a $20 bill, allegedly very tempting for the party in the car.

   The man in the back seat is believed to have grabbed the 20.
   ‚ÄúGive me my money back,‚Äù yelled the woman, reaching for the bill through the car window, according to the police report.
   But the woman‚Äôs arm and determination was not going to stop the alleged crooks from taking her money. The car window rolled up, and the she was trapped. The car began to drive away, dragging the woman with it, she told police.
   A short distance later the window came down, releasing the woman‚Äôs arm from the moving vehicle. She fell to the ground as the car kept going.
   The other sister took down the license plate to give to police. She also told police the man‚Äôs name in the back seat was ‚ÄúAJ‚Äù or Jonathan Alexis and that he lives in Medford.
    Later that day police responded to a disturbance near Columbia Street and Webster Avenue. Officer Kathryn McDaid noticed the vehicle that had been used in the $20 robbery was parked on Webster Avenue. She radioed it in, and waited for the suspects to return.
    McDaid knew Alexis and spotted him immediately as he approached the vehicle with Salvador. McDaid asked them how they had arrived at the location.
    According to the police report, Salvador and Alexis both said they had come by car. It was the same car that had dragged a woman by the arm after snatching her 20 bucks. Salvador and Alexis were both arrested. Supposedly, there were also two other men who were in the car at the time of the robbery.


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