Paraprofessionals picket city hall

On November 30, 2005, in Latest News, by The News Staff

Maxpac_and_schools_030 Paraprofessionals picket city hall

By George P. Hassett

The paraprofessionals who work in Somerville classrooms took advantage of tonight’s public meeting at city hall to express their outrage.

"We have no salary advancement for five years. We get no paid holidays or vacation days and we have little or no chance to earn overtime," said Linda Vitiello, president of the Somerville Teachers association.

The public hearing was organized by state rep. Carl M. Sciortino, D-Somerville, and Ward 7 School Committee member Mary Jo Rosetti to discuss the funding of Somerville schools. But Vitiello and more than thirty other paraprofessionals used it to call attention to what they believe is an unfair situation.

Paraprofessionals in Somerville make $13,000 a year and are currently working without a contract, said Vitiello.



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