The Somerville Historic Preservation Commission, often in partnership with other local organizations, is sponsoring a variety of events in the month of May as part of Preservation Month. Below is this weekend’s events.
Saturday, May 11, 10am-3 p.m. Workshop on “Repairing Versus Replacing Your Old Windows,” led by David Liberty, founder of a long-standing Boston business, Takes place at the Somerville Museum at One Westwood Road, at the corner of Central St. Hands-on demonstration of work on an actual window removed from the Museum. Limited to 15, giving individual attention to attendees. $50 per person, with proceeds benefiting the Somerville Museum Building Fund.
Sunday, May 12, 2-5 p.m. The 12th Annual Historic Bike Tour “Industrial Somerville, Past and Present” is co-sponsored with the Somerville Bike Committee. This year’s theme will take us from one end of the city to the other, learning about Somerville’s industrial growth and evolution. The guided ride, escorted by the Somerville Police, is designed for all ages and riding levels, and includes a couple of rest stops and a tour of the soon to open Brooklyn Boulders site. Starts at City Hall at 2:00 pm and ends at the Somerville Museum around 4:30pm, for light refreshments. $3.00 donation appreciated. Ride will be dedicated to Somerville resident and police officer, Sean Collier, who was fatally wounded as a result of the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing.
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