Camouflage couldn’t help these alleged crooks

On December 14, 2005, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Camouflage couldn’t help these alleged crooks

By George P. Hassett

  Dark clothes and a camouflage outfit could not hide Michael Kelly and Christopher Toppi from police Thursday, December 9. The two men were arrested and charged with breaking and entering a vehicle during the nighttime after police responded to a call concerning two individuals who had just finished breaking into a white sports utility vehicle.

   ‚ÄúI was advised that they were finished and were heading towards Dearborn Road. As I turned onto Dearborn, I observed the two described suspects on the right sidewalk,‚Äù said Officer William Carr.
   Carr said he observed the man dressed in camouflage holding a black leather satchel over his shoulder. He stopped the two men and interviewed them.
   Meanwhile, Officer Leo Martini interviewed a witness who said she had seen a person in camouflage reach into the white SUV and  remove a black bag. Upon learning this, Carr said he then searched the contents of the bag and there were prescription bottles belonging to a man who had earlier that night had his car broken into.
    Carr said with the statements of the witness and Kelly and Toppi being in possession of a bag that was not theirs, he decided to place both individuals under arrest for breaking and entering into the motor vehicles. Kelly and Toppi were transported to the station by police wagon and processed.


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