A Snow Queen brings a chilled cheer to Somerville

On December 15, 2005, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Snow_queen_pic A Snow Queen brings a chilled cheer to Somerville

By George P. Hassett

   Eight years ago, Lily the Snow Queen came to Somerville. She came to bring cheer to a city mired in the depths and despair of a cold winter. She came to show them how to celebrate the cold.
    Performance artist Blanca Milan Batteau has been portraying her character Lily the Snow Queen in Somerville since 1997 when she offered her unique set of skills and services to the Somerville Arts Council during their Illuminations tour, a citywide journey to all of the most holiday decorated homes.
   ‚ÄúI wanted to celebrate winter because it is the time of year people in the city hate most. They complain about shoveling and driving in the snow. So I became the Snow Queen and set up a table at City Hall to entertain everybody who was waiting to go on the tour,‚Äù she said.

  Batteau, in snow queen character of course, led the waiting crowds in spirited sing and dance-alongs, passing out jingle bells all the while.
   Lily the Snow Queen has been performing in Somerville ever since. Batteau said she fashioned her costume mainly from thrift store bargains. She has used the same dress since ‚Äô97, but is currently waiting for a new one to come in from a friend in New York.
  ‚ÄúI want something only the Snow Queen has worn,‚Äù she said.
Batteau said she loves the joy she can bring not only to an audience but an entire season.
  ‚ÄúWe all want a little piece of magic especially in the wintertime, when snow covers the landscape and all the ugly things in it. I hope Lilly the Snow Queen can do the same thing. When I pass out my little jingle bells it really affects the kids and the elderly the most because those are the people who still believe in magic. Also, it‚Äôs not very often you meet a real queen,‚Äù she said.
   Batteau said she is currently working on a musical play entitled ‚ÄúThe Adventures of the Snow Queen.‚Äù
   ‚ÄúIt is an urban tale, so Lily‚Äôs best friends are a pigeon and a squirrel. It will be an interactive piece all about self-empowerment. Lily will learn that for all the things she may have that make her magical ‚Äì a wand, a crown, an elegant dress ‚Äì all we need to get by in this world is our wits and who we are,‚Äù she said.
    For Batteau, Lily the Snow Queen is a simple character with a significant meaning and message.
    ‚ÄúIn life we all try to do our best. We all want to wear fancy, elegant outfits. But life isn‚Äôt always so easy and only our heroes can do those things. I‚Äôm trying to bring a hero to the general public and let everybody know that we all have the power to be heroes,‚Äù she said.


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