Aldermen: Don’t sniff the booze Somerville

On January 20, 2006, in Latest News, by The News Staff

Aldermen: Don’t sniff the booze Somerville
By George P. Hassett

  It just got a little harder to be drunk and self-destructive in Somerville. Thursday, the Board of Aldermen voted unanimously to outlaw the ‚Äúsniffing or inhaling of the vaporized form of alcoholic beverages.‚Äù

  Vaporizing alcohol is the newest craze for college-aged revelers, said Ward 7 Alderman Robert C. Trane.
  ‚ÄúI learned about this on 20/20. Companies are trying to market it to bars that cater to college kids,‚Äù he said.
  An alcohol vaporizing device allows users to inhale alcohol in the form of vapor. The device works by pouring an alcoholic spirit into a diffuser capsule in the alcohol vaporizing device. The alcohol is absorbed by oxygen bubbles, and the user inhales the alcohol vapor. The devices are being marketed on the internet as a low calorie and hangover free way to consume alcohol, but medical experts say there is little evidence to support these claims.
   Health risks associated with prolonged use of alcohol vaporization devices include damage to the nose tissue and brain. In addition, experts say it is more difficult to gauge whether someone is too intoxicated to drive, after using the device.
   ‚ÄúIt is easier for people to consume a larger amount when they‚Äôre merely breathing it in.,‚Äù said Trane.
   The ordinance passed Thursday calls for a fine and a disciplinary hearing for any establishment that permits ‚Äúthe sniffing or inhaling of the vaporized form of alcoholic beverages.‚Äù
  ‚ÄúAnything that promotes substance abuse is not going to be welcome here,‚Äù said Trane.


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