Federal money is on the way, but not to Magoun Square

On January 25, 2006, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Federal money is on the way, but not to Magoun Square
By George P. Hassett

   One neighborhood feels slighted after Somerville filed its one-year action plan for community development projects funded by U.S Housing and Urban Development.
   Magoun Square Neighborhood Association President Joseph P. Lynch said the proposal is an example of Mayor Joseph A. Curtatone‚Äôs continued neglect of the city‚Äôs small business districts, particularly Magoun Square.
  ‚ÄúThe Mayor is not an advocate for Magoun Square because helping the small business districts does not translate into a lot of votes. All he is funding are his pet projects in Union Square,‚Äù said Lynch.

    Of the five economic and community development projects targeting specific neighborhoods, three focus on Union Square. Union Square Farmers Market, ArtsUnion Streetscape Project and a new ‚Äúwayfinding‚Äù kiosk each aim to attract and orient new customers to the square.
   In April, Curtatone cancelled $540,000 in funding for a project designed to beautify Magoun Square and improve motor vehicle access. Curtatone deemed the improvements insufficient and nixed the plan for a more ambitious one featuring road re-engineering, new crosswalks and revised traffic patterns.
   At the time he said, ‚ÄúMoving forward with that plan would have been like buying a house that needs to be rehabbed and painting it first.‚Äù
   At a Nov. 16 public meeting called to discuss the new plan, Lynch said Curtatone promised  the funding would be on the next HUD request.
In the new request there is no funding specifically earmarked for Magoun Square.
  Curtatone declined to comment.
  Thomas Champion, a spokesperson for Curtatone, said the Magoun Square project was not included in this year‚Äôs HUD plan because the new, more ambitious plan for the square is not slated to begin until next year.
    Executive Director of Strategic Planning and Community Development James G. Kostaras said Magoun Square funds will be included in next years‚Äô HUD block grants, but the bulk of the money will come from Mass Highway.
     The failure to include Magoun Square in the city‚Äôs HUD request is a sign of a larger failure in the Curtatone administration, said Lynch.
     ‚ÄúThe misinformation and inconsistency coming from this administration is what bothers me,‚Äù he said. ‚ÄúIt is going to be a hell of a long time before I believe anything this mayor says to me without seeing it in writing. Why not make Magoun Square a small jewel in the crown of the city. All we are trying to do is hold this mayor accountable ‚Äì where is the accountability?‚Äù   
      Kostaras said Magoun Square remains a priority.
      ‚ÄúThe revitalization of Magoun Square is very important to the mayor and there will be more public meetings to keep residents informed of our efforts to improve traffic issues,‚Äù he said.


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