Newstalk for the week of March 1

On March 1, 2006, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Newstalk for the week of March 1

We noticed some bloggers on our Web Site have been talking about the former Lincoln Park School, which was torn down recently. We heard that the school committee wants to name the new school after the former Superintendent of Schools Al Argenziano. Some bloggers have mentioned former state Rep. Marie Howe should get the honor.  We happen to agree, after all she was on the school committee way back in the 60‚Äôs and we believe she was the first women to be elected to that position. And then she continued serving the city when she moved up to state Representative until the late 80‚Äôs. We think she certainly has done a lot for Somerville but also she has paved the way for women in politics here in Somerville.  We know she deserves something for all the hard work and effort she put in for the city before most of us were born or came here.   
Seems like the Buck-a-Book storefront in Davis Square is getting more attention now that it‚Äôs vacant then when it was open for business. One rumor has it as the future home for a political headquarters while another says a well- regarded North End restaurant will fill the vacant space.  We‚Äôd like to see the Italian restaurant come before a campaign headquarters ‚Äì there are enough politicians in Davis Square already and too few places to get good linguini. Or maybe it could be both.   

The Race of Ireland & United States of America, a 5Km Road Race is scheduled for March 19th at 11a.m. here Davis Square Somerville. If you want to register as a runner you need to do so very quickly — the race is limited to only 2,200 registered runners. Go to online and get more information. Each year they raise several thousands of dollars for local charities right here in Somerville.
By the way our own Donald Norton has stopped smoking. Since September 9th, he hasn‚Äôt even had one cigarette. Donald tried the ‚ÄúAdvanced Laser Therapy‚Äù that was in the news late last year. If you have been trying to stop smoking, trying everything over the years like he did, check this out — as far as he‚Äôs concerned it works. Go to and give them a call.
We have been hearing all sorts of rumors regarding Alderman / state Rep. Denise Provost and what she might do with her seat on the Board of Alderman. We heard two names more than any other come up as her possible replacement. The first is former Ward 7 and at-large candidate Marty Martinez, who twice has come up just short of a win on election day. And then there’s former Ward 6 Alderman Jack Connolly who was recently appointed to a new position with the city. We’ve been told by various sources that Denise may be greasing the skids for Marty to slide right into her old seat. We can’t believe the progressives are doing back room politics and trying to do what they always complain about. Remember when Joe Macaluso stepped down from his Ward 5 seat years ago and appointed Stan Koty to the position and Denise ran against Stan because she wanted a fair, clean process? Our sources tell us she’s now pulling a Macaluso with Marty Martinez playing the role of Stan Koty. We know Denise wouldn’t do that, that’s why we said it’s just a rumor.
It seems former Executive Director of Administrations Mark Horan is around the city and is very much relieved that he doesn‚Äôt work at City Hall anymore; at least that‚Äôs what we hear from the coffee shop gossip. We also heard that another aide, Mike Buckley is glad he bought that blue pickup truck back awhile. It didn‚Äôt fit well in the City Hall concourse but fits nicely down at DPW now that he‚Äôs working there. We heard he‚Äôs happy with the job — more money, less hours and less stress. Now that the mayor has him down there at Lights & Lines, a new warning light system in the telephone and light poles for the main squares just might become a realty. So if the city wanted to call a snow emergency you would get a phone call or the poles would give an early warning system to the residents.
Everyone from ERA Norton is back from the convention in San Francisco and the office received several awards and honors for their work. But one prestigious award the Norton Group missed out on was “Most Diverse Company,” in which they came in second in a system of over 3700 companies nationwide. Oh well, there’s always next year.




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