Lyrical Somerville for the week of April 5

On April 3, 2006, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Lyrical Somerville for the week of April 5

It is Spring and our thoughts naturally turn to love. Poet Ashley Roy reminds us that there are treacherous shoals to navigate in order to find the ‚Äúright‚Äù one. To have your work considered for the ‚ÄúLyrical‚Äù send it to: Doug Holder 25 School St. Somerville, Mass. 02143 

Misreading Motives

You would come nearer
My eyes, a mirror

And in them you saw
Your lovely self clearer
And I used to think
The love came from me
But I was wrong
You love what you see.


I told him that I loved him
           And he said
Without a change in tone
            Thank you
And then hung up the phone.   


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