The View From Prospect Hill for the week of May 17

On May 19, 2006, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

The View From Prospect Hill for the week of May 17

“This resolution effectuates nothing,” said one alderman of an act meant to express Somerville’s support of immigrants.

   City government has no power in the current  national debate on immigration. It also has no power in far away human rights violations. Yet they do like to get involved in these messes don‚Äôt they?
    It is typical of Somerville‚Äôs spirit to debate with passion and meaning something it has no power over. It is one of the finer attributes of the city indeed, but prolonged and contentious debates on rhetoric do nothing to help city residents.
    Let Cambridge impeach George W. Bush and weigh in on international issues, Somerville government should work to offer youth brighter opportunities, develop land wisely and build on the city‚Äôs infinite potential through the means available to them.
    The city must abandon its habit of weighing in on national and international issues.
   The city should throw the $200 donation from Shaw‚Äôs Supermarkets back in the corporation‚Äôs face. Shaw‚Äôs takes $200 out of Winter Hill in minutes, but can‚Äôt give back to the community it profits from? The donation was meant to sponsor the Spring Clean Up, but the city doesn‚Äôt need it and should send a message to Shaw‚Äôs by refusing to accept.


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