Rotary District 7930 will hold its 3rd annual Polar Plunge on Saturday February 23, 2013 at Long Beach in Gloucester at 11:15 a.m. The event is part Rotary International’s ongoing campaign to eradicate polio in our lifetime. The date will also coincide with the anniversary of the very first meeting of Rotary by the late Paul Harris who met with three of his colleagues on February 23, 1905.
The event is expected to yield more then 250 people plunging into the cold waters off Cape Ann adjacent the Cape Ann Motor Inn. The Gloucester Rotary Club is the host for this event. Last year close to 160 people braved the icy waters in an effort that is considered on of fellowship, public awareness, and fundraising. Last year’s efforts yielded more then $34,000. Polar Plunge and Polio Chairman Bob Gravino of the Ipswich club has set this year’s goal at $100,000. That amounts to $2,100 per club for 48 clubs from Boston north to SalemNH and East to the Cape Ann communities of Gloucester, Rockport, Essex and Manchester.
The district is also utilizing an electronic fundraising process this year in efforts to help clubs and members raise the targeted $100,000. Supporters are encouraged to log on to and make a pledge to help Rotarians lead the way to eradicate this dreaded disease. If you would like to help out or participate in some way please feel free to contact Committee Chairman Bob Gravino or Josh Arnold the Event’s Public Relations Chairman at
Clubs are using social media of Facebook and Twitter to help promote their participation in the event.

Somerville Lawyer Kara Dardeno Mathieu (above) and Frank Scarpa will take the plunge to help Rotary International eradicate polio in the world.
Since 1985, Polio has become the signature cause for Rotary International as it has teamed up with partners including; The Global Poverty Project, The Global Eradication Initiative, The World Health Organization, and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to name a few. The disease was prevalent here in the United States in the years following the first two world wars. Since then, efforts have been spearheaded by Rotary International to eradicate them from the Philippines in 1985.
On the success of the Philippines endeavor, Rotary International (R.I.) embarked on the mission to eradicate Polio from the world entirely. Since that time, more then a billion dollars has been raised among Rotary clubs world wide and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. When R>I. Took on the battle against this disease more then 350,000 people spanning 125 countries were impacted. Today there are three countries left where it has not been eradicated, namely Pakistan, Afghanistan and Nigeria.
The year 2012 was an historic year in the battle against polio as 429 million children have been vaccinated against polio. Less then 300 cases of polio were reported in 2012. That figure represents a decline of more then 60% from 2011. In order for a country to be certified as having the disease eradicated, it must sustain three successive years of zero new cases of polio reported within its population.
For as little as 60 cents your donation can make the difference in changing a person’s life. Please support Rotarians across 48 clubs in more then 50 communities north of Boston as they brave the icy waters off Gloucester to help their fellow humankind eradicate polio in our lifetime. The public is welcome to attend. Hot refreshments will be served by high school students composed of local interact clubs (formerly Junior Rotarians). More then 1000 people are expected for the event.
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