– Photo by Joan Campo McKenna
Are you looking for ways to help your neighbors this winter? Are you a Somerville senior citizen or a resident with disabilities who needs assistance with shoveling? The City of Somerville is seeking volunteers aged 18 and older to assist senior citizens and residents with disabilities with snow shoveling this winter, and accepting applications for residents needing assistance with shoveling.
The Somerville Council on Aging and SomerServe, the city’s volunteer program, currently maintain a database of volunteers, but with one of the most snowy Februaries on record, more volunteers are needed to assist with storm cleanup for residents who are unable to do so. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Nancy Bacci at NBacci@somervillemagov, or 617-625-6600 ext 2250. A snow storm is forecast for this weekend, and volunteers who sign up by Friday, February 22 may be called upon on Sunday for shoveling efforts. Thank you for your consideration.
If you are a Somerville teen, and interested in helping residents in need in return for a small stipend, please contact the Somerville Council on Aging at 617-625-6600 ext 2300 to learn more, or visit the Council on Aging page on the City website (www.somervillema.gov) to download an application.
(From The City of Somerville)
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