Lowell Street bridge opens area’s future

On July 11, 2006, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

Lowell Street bridge opens area’s future
By George P. Hassett

    The Lowell Street bridge was closed one more time Tuesday afternoon
when politicians, neighbors and state highway workers met to celebrate
the official opening of the overpass after six years of inactivity.
    ‚ÄúThe Zakim bridge went up faster than Lowell Street,‚Äù said Joseph
Lynch, president of the Magoun Square Neighborhood Association. “But
now that it’s open it’s the best bridge around.”

    The opening of the bridge is expected to play a key role in the future development of the area. KSS Realty Partners, owners of the old MaxPak paper factory site, plan to build a 229 unit condominium complex mere feet from the bridge. Neighbors have met with politicians and developers over the past year to lower the number of units.
KSS has received a Massachusetts Highway Department permit to build a connecting structure from the complex to the bridge. And a source close to the developers said this week that Ward 5 Alderman Sean T. O’Donovan will submit an order at Thursday’s meeting intended to begin the city permitting process for KSS.
    Superintendent of Highway Lights and Lines Michael Buckley said the city will conduct traffic counts on the bridge before it approves the structure connecting the bridge to the MaxPak site. Buckley said he is concerned about visibility between the connector and oncoming traffic and, thus, the entrance from MaxPak onto Lowell Street must be away from the bridge‚Äôs high point.
    Lynch said the bridge‚Äôs upward slope could decrease visibility on the bridge and increase danger.
    State Sen. Patricia D. Jehlen, D-Somerville, said she was excited about the opening but surprised the Massachusetts Highway Department had granted its permit.
    ‚ÄúAny plans for a curb cut really need to wait for a traffic study of Lowell Street,‚Äù she said.


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