News Talk for July 12th 2006

On July 13, 2006, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

News Talk for the week of July 12


A great big Happy Birthday goes out to Freddie Federico who just
celebrated his 50th, this past weekend.   Freddie is the owner of
Sunny’s Deli in Union Square where some of the best rumors can be heard
everyday. Happy 50th Freddie and may you have many more.
Speaking of local rumor mills in the city, our spies have been seeing a
lot of traffic in and out of a (sort of) well-known Irish Pub in Union
Square, as well as some other hot beds of political intrigue. We’d like
to ask Denise Provost, why must you give up your seat on the Board of
Alderman? Didn’t Vinny Ciampa hold both for years before being voted
out and doesn‚Äôt Rep. Tim Toomey hold two elected seats?    We hear
everyone talking about Alderman / State Rep. Denise and the fact she
should step down or not run, but who cares if she stays on both jobs?
Eventually, like others in the past, she’ll make the right decision and
it will be her decision or it just could be the decision of the voters
which, in the end, is the final decision.      

The mayor‚Äôs hacks, flacks and slacks are trumpeting the new poll that purports that most of the city is happy with direction we are going.  Hmmm.  We wonder if they were standing in the middle of the Powder House Rotary with their clipboard. We didn‚Äôt notice a question about water bills, the investigation into traffic and parking or the cash management at our Police Department. What will they ask in their next poll?  Here is a suggestion: Do you like fireworks‚Äîin the Water Department?  Do you like the uniforms that the meter readers wear, when ticketing your car?   We‚Äôre thinking of doing a poll here at the News, asking all the employees if they like it so much here, would they mind taking a pay cut, we think they will go along with it don‚Äôt you?                                    
We heard there is some pretty wild stuff regarding this guy who is the city‚Äôs Capital Project Manager. Apparently he used to work for the city of Cambridge and there might have been a problem with his office behavior and job performance. We‚Äôre not saying its true but some pretty wild stuff was said by the Cambridge Comical a few years ago about this guy. We think it may be baloney, just another smear campaign against our fine officials at the Personnel Department — whoever they are this month.    
The bridge is open at Lowell Street and a fine turn out of locals, politicians and community activists were there to see the official opening ceremony. God its great to have our bridges opening up — its like one big party isn‚Äôt it? Now we just need that Sycamore Street Bridge open — cross your fingers.
Seven going on eight official months, and still no resolution to the missing $$$$ at the Traffic & Parking Department. We‚Äôre waiting  — along with the Mayor and Board of Alderman and the rest of the public. At least make a statement over there at Traffic & Parking like you don‚Äôt leave the back door unlocked anymore at night and the safe door wide open, tell us that your more careful with the city receipt‚Äôs, tell us something so we won‚Äôt wonder aloud if Captain Femino is on top of this and needs more time. We‚Äôre sure the public will understand.      
Former Alderman-at-Large candidate and Attorney Kim Foster Hirsch is moving out of the city, selling her condo on Highland Road, while Attorney Stephen Glines, who was also a candidate for Alderman at Large is getting married this weekend and has bought a house in Ward 4 for him and his new bride to live. We wish them the best of luck in the future as well as Stephen the best of luck.      
Our best wishes go out to Bert Gay, the husband of former Mayor Dorothy Kelly Gay. Bert was in the hospital recently and we wish him a speedy recovery and all the best. A lot of people miss seeing Bert around these past couple of years; he would appreciate an email or friendly card to his house wishing him a speedy recovery.
Now its summer and the trees are bloomed and the wild bushes on McGrath Highway are  just wild, supposedly many of the Mystic My View Task Force members live behind those bushes and wild outgrowth. You can‚Äôt even see the houses over there. So how can they see what‚Äôs going on over at Assembly Square?    


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