Local pols agree: Deval Patrick for Governor

On September 5, 2006, in Latest News, by The News Staff

Local pols agree on one thing: Deval Patrick for Governor
A commentary by Congressman Michael Capuano, Mayor Joseph Curtatone, Sen. Jarrett Barrios, Sen. Pat Jehlen, Rep. Denise Provost, Rep. Carl Sciortino, and Rep. Tim Toomey

(The views and opinions expressed in the commentaries of The Somerville News do not neccessarily reflect the views and opinions of The Somerville News, its staff or its publishers.)

As elected leaders of Somerville, we work together in many ways.  We agree on much, but have differing styles and sometimes disagree. This year, all of us are supporting the same candidate for Governor, Deval  Patrick.

  And we’re joined by 8 aldermen (Bill Roche, Maryann Heuston, Tom Taylor, Walter Pero, Rebekah Gewirtz, Bob Trane, Bruce Desmond, and Denise Provost), and every member of the School Committee (Maureen Bastardi, Teresa Cardoso, Roberta Bauer, Charlene Harris, Mark Niedergang, Paul Bockelman, and Mary Jo Rossetti).  This degree of consensus is unusual.
  No other candidate understands the situation faced by communities like Somerville better than Deval Patrick.  He recognizes that local property taxpayers bear a heavy burden due to budget cuts, particularly in local aid.  Deval Patrick has made a realistic commitment to restoring local aid. He will find willing partners in both the legislature, where he has the support of more than sixty legislators, and in local government, where he has been endorsed by mayors, city councilors, selectmen and school committee members across the state.
  Deval Patrick grew up in poverty on the South Side of Chicago, and went to Milton Academy, Harvard University and Harvard Law School on academic scholarships. He worked for the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, and was appointed by President Clinton to be Assistant Attorney General for the civil rights division of the US Justice Department. He went on to successful careers in the private and non-profit sector.
  Deval Patrick’s greatest strength is not his resume, but the mix of intelligence, passion, and common sense. He conveys a "can do" and "must do" sense, empowered by a spirit of hope and optimism born of his own success against all odds.
  Massachusetts has some of the world’s greatest educational and health institutions and a highly educated workforce. We are the center of major industries and services, like biotechnology and finance. Yet we are the only state in the nation that has lost population for each of the last two years, while our governor was busy running for President of the United States , ignoring our state’s problems.   Even worse, median wages have actually fallen in the past two years, and the governor vetoed an increase in the minimum wage.  Our governor should lead the fight for adequate pay, not resist it!
  Deval Patrick was the beneficiary of a great education and knows it is the key to opportunity for individuals and the strength of our economy.  He knows how important our public higher education system is, with nearly 85% of public higher education students remaining in Massachusetts after graduation.
  Our economy is held back by the high cost and insecurity of energy supplies.  Deval Patrick supports Cape Wind, and wants to bring the renewable energy and conservation industries back to their historic home in Massachusetts.
  Many seniors are having a tough time, with skyrocketing prescription drug costs, high property taxes and inadequate long-term care options. Deval Patrick wants to expand Prescription Advantage, the property tax circuit breaker, and programs that help seniors remain in their homes safely instead of being sent to nursing homes.
  Deval Patrick quotes his grandmother, who told him "hope for the best ‚Äì and work for it." Deval Patrick has demonstrated what smart, hard work can mean. No other candidate for Governor has his broad experience in government, the business world, and the non-profit world. He knows that government cannot solve all of our problems.  We urge you to join us in supporting Deval Patrick in the Democratic Primary on September 19.


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