News Talk for the week of Sept. 13

On September 13, 2006, in Uncategorized, by The News Staff

News Talk for the week of Sept. 13

Another reminder to that blogger or bloggers that just don‚Äôt get it – this is a rumor column written or assisted by around 20 well-known, well-positioned and well-informed Somerville residents – both old school and newcomers – most of them don‚Äôt even know who the others are that help out‚Ķthis still is for you to figure out if it’s true or not.  We would like to thank Dr. Mrs. McCarthy and The Mole for your assistance this past month in helping to get us through a boring summer here in Somerville.
Just a reminder to everyone who might be interested in the proposed zoning changes for the MaxPac site at Maguon Square, the hearing is set for Thursday the 21st at 7:00PM on the second floor of City Hall – we wonder if dinner will be served – count us in if it‚Äôs lobster.  It has been said and heard around the city that if the developers get what they want with the zoning changes, they will immediately sell the property and move on ‚Äì we know a lot of neighbors and others in the city are hoping that‚Äôs not true.

Seems that there was a Democratic City Committee meeting held last Friday evening – Chairperson Helen called for a meeting of the members – all 245 of them (that‚Äôs 35 people for each of the 7 wards) – and only around 20 showed up.  The guests at the meeting were two of the candidates for Lieutenant Governor, who must have been shocked to look around and see virtually an empty room gathered to hear them ‚Äì including the Chairperson ‚Äì who had other plans apparently.  We did hear that Alderman Bob Trane ran the meeting smoothly – at least he didn‚Äôt have to speak loudly did he‚ĶThis is yet another reason to remove the Chairperson of our Democratic City Committee here in Somerville ‚Äì imagine calling a meeting for a Friday night and not showing up herself?
Well known West Somerville resident Manual Oliveira, who was 91 years old, passed away recently – he was well-liked by everyone he met and he will be sadly missed – our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends.
Hooray and congratulations to the Somerville High School Football Team, they won their first game at the new Dilboy Field – the new field and the new Headmaster, Anthony Ciccariello could be the right combination of what was needed to give the team its boost. – we certainly hope so.
We heard that popular Register of Probate John Buonmo recently separated and is now a potential bachelor – John‚Äôs been seen more and more around Somerville with his kids – we hear he plays a good ‚ÄúMr. Mom.‚Äù  Also heard as a rumor but we can‚Äôt confirm it – another well-known, almost elected, politician to be is living in East Cambridge and not with his family‚Ķwe‚Äôre checking it out, but as of right now we get the same amount of people that say its true and that say its not true.
Last week the Somerville rumor mill was working overtime – over the State Police going into the DPW yards ‚Äì early word was that they had arrest warrants or search warrants – but it was just them following up with the investigation of the ‚ÄúSPD Desk that was thrown out‚Äù.  Seems that they wanted to just question a couple of DPW workers who helped to clean out the room at the SPD, nothing more, nothing less.
David LeBahn is the newest hard worker at The Somerville Home.  The Somerville Home is looking for help in purchasing a gazebo to help make its residents even happier.   If you can help, please give Director Alyson a call.
We hear that “Hacksaw”, one of Somerville’s computer geniuses, is doing great in his new position at the soon (or is it recently) public “I Robot”, a great Somerville firm.
Another Brooks Pharmacy story – things have sure changed there – recently it took them four days to fill a prescription for someone who badly needed it ‚Äì it seems they couldn‚Äôt care less either when spoken to about this.  Good thing it‚Äôs being bought out by Rite Aid stores – first the mural down, now bad service – we find it hard to believe.
The Committee for a Response to AIDS/ The Publicover Foundation will hold their 23rd Annual Fundraiser on Wednesday, September 27th from 4-7PM at the Madison Street residence of Bob, who is celebrating his 30th year with HIV and his 50+ birthday on the 29th – Bob is the former Owner and is now the Publisher Emeritus of The Somerville News.  To attend the fundraiser, call Bob at 617 290-6842 or email
The Somerville High School Scholarship Foundation Board will be meeting this coming Monday evening and is looking for more volunteers to join them – the Foundation has been instrumental in giving many scholarships over the years – contact Noreen Santucci at SHS for more information.
Speaking of SHS‚ĶThe Somerville High Adult Education Evening classes begin shortly and one course being offered is the Real Estate Certification for the licensing exam – the course runs eight weeks and is $110.00 for Somerville Residents.  Call SHS to register.
Who are those Downtown Boston Chinatown businessmen who have been seen looking at various properties in Somerville for potential business development – word is that they have been around at various events checking things out.
We told you last week here at Newstalk that the Globe was watching us and they were writing a couple of stories that we started here at the News РJoanie Batzek was interviewed regarding the mural at Brooks Pharmacy that was painted over and also featured in the Globe was our own Fatboys РAnthony and Karl – who were highlighted in the Ci
ty Edition in this past Sunday‚Äôs paper.  Yes that‚Äôs right, they were first brought to you by us here at The News ‚Äì we think they‚Äôre great locals who are doing very well for themselves and we wish them all the luck.  Fatboy Marinade Sauce can be seen at your favorite grocer and if it‚Äôs not there ask for it by name – and demand nothing less.
Speaking of the Globe, was that two of the owners of The Somerville News sitting in the Boston Globe luxury box at the Patriots opening game last Sunday talking various Globe executives?  Yes it was ‚Äì it was a great game and a great view.
Is it true that Alderman Dennis Sullivan, the lone Gabrieli supporter on the Board of Aldermen was asked by Gabrielli to be on his staff if he gets elected?  Dennis says it isn‚Äôt true, and that he has his sights set on something else.
Are you counting the nice shiny new black benches across the city?  Maybe this is how you can tell if you‚Äôre in with the administration?  According to our unofficial count, it seems that Magoun Square has 8 benches, Ball Square has 1 bench, Winter Hill has 1 bench and we only saw 1 bench in Teele Square and 4 benches in Davis Square.  We are still counting, so we will keep you posted.
Who is that handsome, bald mystery man who has been seen around the city recently with well-known city employee Cheryl ‚Äì is that her new boyfriend?  Lots of people have been buzzing about them leaving a certain boat recently together.  We think they make a great couple even though he is a quiet guy and she‚Äôs well, not so quiet ‚Äì they still make a great couple.  Lots of people are talking though, we say keep them guessing Bruce and Cheryl.


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